Sunday 9 August 2015

Homemade Whitening Facial


Rose petals – 1/3 cup ground

Barley flour – 1/3 cup
Glycerine – 1 tsp
Rose water – as required
Honey – 2 tsp
Mix rose petals, barley flour, glycerine and honey, make fine paste with rose water and apply on face for half an hour, then wash with mint water. Your face will glow and clear.

Sandalwood powder – 2 tbsp
Glycerine – 2 tbsp
Milk or yogurt – 2 tbsp
Turmeric powder – 1 pinch
Lactic acid
Alpha Hydroxyl Acid Cream
Mix all above ingredients and massage on face and entire body. This cream will give you fair complexion and tone.

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