Sunday 9 August 2015


Onion Juice: onion juice that is made by squeezing grinned onion can be used to cure pigmentation problems. Onion juice mixed with apple cider should be applied twice a day for best results. Another simple way is to dip onion slices in vinegar and place them over the pigmentation areas.


Lemon juice: application of lemon juice helps to get rid of pigmentation problems very easily in no time. The acidic nature of lemon results in the pealing of top layer of the skin.

As stress is one cause for melasma, it is recommended to take measures to get rid of that excess stress. It can be easily achieved by regular practice of exercises.

Drinking plenty of water helps to keep the skin supple and also helps to get rid of the toxins very easily in the form of sweat.

Consume a balanced diet rich in all essential nutrients especially vitamins and minerals. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals.

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