Sunday 9 August 2015

Remedies for Dry Skin on the Face

Dry skin on the face can be more than an annoyance. Women can't put on make up unless the flakes are eliminated, and for men, dry skin makes shaving more difficult as it can cause ingrown hairs and build-up on the razor. Instead of buying expensive lotions to deal with your dry facial skin try some home remedies, which are less expensive and made from natural ingredients. Just make sure that whatever remedy you use, you are not allergic to the ingredients.
Coconut Oil
Josh Peterson, the health and beauty writer for the Discovery Channel's Planet Green, recommends coconut oil as a way to eliminate dry skin. In his article "Remedy Dry Skin With Coconut Oil," Peterson says, "There is no need to mix harsh, toxic chemicals with coconut oil. It is completely safe, unless you are allergic to coconuts." Best of all, coconut oil can be used on the entire body for healing dry skin. Coconut oil can usually be found at natural-food stores.

Oatmeal Yogurt Facial
Oatmeal has been clinically proven to heal dry, itchy skin, and combined with yogurt and honey it can make a wonderful dry skin remedy. Try taking about ½ cup of finely ground oatmeal, and mixing in honey and yogurt until it's creamy. Spread the mixture on your face and leave it for about 30 minutes.

Avocado Mask
Avocado is rich in healthy fats, and those fats can help make the skin on the face more radiant and healthy. Mash an avocado until it's creamy, add half a teaspoon of honey and a little almond meal. Be careful not to add too much almond meal: you want it to be creamy, not doughy. Spread it over your face and leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes. Use 3 to 5 times per week for best results.

Banana-Honey Mask
A banana-honey mask is made the same way as the avocado mask, but substitutes banana for the avocado. The almond meal can be left out, but leaving it in will make the mask slightly easier to work with, just be sure not to add too much. Spread on the face and leave it for about 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

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