Sunday 9 August 2015

Seven Great Tips To Control Hair Fall

1. Boil one cup mustard oil with two spoons henna leaves. Filter This oil and store in a dry container. Daily use this oil at bed time and massage your hair gently for five minutes to control hair fall.

2. Soak methi in water over night and grind this methi next day morning and apply this paste to your hair and take a head bath after one hour. Do this regularly to control hair fall.

3. Mix five spoon's curd, one spoon lemon juice and two spoon's channa flour. Apply this paste on your hair and take a bath after one hopur to control hair fall.

4. Take one bunch of amaranth (Thotakura) leaves and grind it with out adding water and apply this paste on your hair and take a bath after one hour to control hair fall.

5. Apply aloevera gel directly on your hair and wash after 1/2 hour to get relief from hair fall.

6. Take one coconut and break it . Now cut coconut in to pieces and grind it . Place grated coconut in a cloth and squeeze it we get fresh coconut milk Apply this coconut milk on your hair and scalp massage gently for 10 minutes and wash your hair after 1/2 hour to reduce hair fall

7. Mix amla powder with egg white and apply this paste to your hair and take a bath after one hour to control hair fall.

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