Monday 28 September 2015


For 100ml oil------ 40ml Pure Almond Oil , 40ml Olive Oil ,10ml Arachis Oil( Peanut oil) , 10ml Soya bean Oil.... 1tbsp Fresh Orange Peels , 1tsp Daruharidra Powder( Kasturi Manjal/ Tree Turmeric) , Half cup of Fresh Rose Petals (dont use the hybrids) ,1 tsp Dried Cucumber Seeds and 1 tsp Fenugreek seeds.

1 Vessel and Strainer.

Mix Olive and almond oil in a vessel and pour all the herbs in it..... keep this for 2 days Under the sun light......then put this vessel on a gas oven and heat the mixture for a low flame until the petals change their color....Bring it down from oven and let this for sometimes and allow the oil to come to room temperature ...Then strain it...

Mix the other oil to it.....You can keep it for a month....

Before bath massage your face/ body with this oil for 10 mins......Can use it after bath also.

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