Wednesday 30 September 2015


This steps will arrest your hair falls too------

Step 1 ---

Apply Red Onion juice ( sambar onion/ chachi piyaj) on your scalp , gently massage and leave it for 30 minutes...After then Apply warm Castor oil+ Coconut oil mixture or Castor oil+ Sweet almond oil mixture....Castor oil and coconut oil ratio should be 1:2

You can apply warm Sesame oil( til tail) on your scalp and hair ...

Apply onion juice and oil atleast THRICE a week......

Step 2 --

Leave the oil overnight and wash it off the next morning.... If you want the oil to work as a conditioner, give your hair a hot towel treatment.... Soak the towel in hot water, squeeze out the excessive water and wrap it around your head for about 1-2 minutes...Repeat the procedure 5-6 times at once....The hot and damp towel will make sure that the oil penetrates into the scalp well......

Step 3 ---

Make a paste of Amla powder ( Indian gooseberry powder) , Methidana paste (fenugreek seed paste),Red Hibiscus flower paste ,Yogurt, Coconut milk and egg......Apply this paste on your scalp and hair, cover your head with a plastic shower cap or polybag.....Leave it for 1 hr then rinse well with water and use shampoo and conditioner.......This hair mask will promote hair growth...

Apply this hair pack once a week.

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