Heart healthy: Regular consumption of green tea has been known to reduce overall cholesterol levels, especially the bad LDL cholesterol which ultimately reduces the risk of heart attacks and heart diseases.
Fights cancer: Catechins present in green tea, are the flavanoids which fight free radicals that damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer. Since green tea is not put through a whole lot of processing, catechins, especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) are available in larger numbers
Helps you lose weight: Can a simple activity like drinking green tea help you lose weight? Recent studies show that catechins help combat accumulated fat and aid in weight loss. Experts say that this fat reducing property catechins can help in a number of lifestyle disease, including obesity.
Improves bone health: Studies show that not only can drinking green tea help improve bone density and help reduce the risk of a fracture, it also encourages bone formation.
Great for your skin: Not just as a drink, skin care products with green tea extracts are also wonderful for your skin as it helps your skin stay supple. The antioxidants in green tea are also known to help keep wrinkles at bay.
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