Wednesday 6 April 2016

Permanent Hair Removal With Ayurveda

Do you have too much of body hair? We treat hair on the head as a sign of beauty, but body hair is considered uncouth. You may have even faced many embarrassing comments because of too much of body hair. What if you had an option to get rid of the cause of your embarrassment forever? No, we are not talking about intrusive laser therapies. Nor are we telling to go for waxing every month. No matter how good waxing makes you look, it is really painful. And most women are tired of the recurring cost and pain of waxing.

Ayurveda gives you an option to find a permanent solution to the problem of hair removal. There are various other home remedies for hair removal but they all are temporary. Even if you are waxing at home or using a razor, it is not possible for you to remove body hair every week. That is where Ayurvedic hair removal gains advantage. Being natural is not the only USP of this procedure. It is also permanent. However, like all other Ayurvedic treatments, this one too requires perseverance.

The only other method of permanent hair removal is laser treatment. But compared to laser treatment, Ayurvedic hair removal using ubtans (medicinal pastes) is a safer and natural method.
If you want to try Ayurvedic hair removal, then these are the ingredients you require.

Ingredients :

☻ Thanaka: This is a paste made from the bark of a tree that grows in Myanmar. Even Thai women use this beauty ingredient to make ubtans.

☻ Kusuma Oil ( Safflower Oil) : It is easily available in all Ayurvedic store.

► Remove unwanted hair either by using hair removal cream or by shaving.
► Take some Kusuma oil and grind Thanaka or ubtan in it. (You can also add some turmeric to this paste.)
Prepare a paste. The thickness of the paste should be similar to hair removal cream.
► Apply it on hair removed areas. Massage until the skin pores absorb it.
► Leave it for 3-4 hours. (You can also apply it at night, before sleeping).
► Wash with water.
► You apply a little Kusuma oil every time your skin feels dry.

"You need to repeat this process for at least 100 days (not one after another). Then your body hair removal will be permanent. Ayurvedic hair removal may seem a little tedious but it is surely a full-proof method."

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