Wednesday 6 April 2016

Soothing Cucumber Eye Gel

As I approach the big 3-0, I’m noticing just how much less money I’m spending on happy hour drinks and instead allocating towards a good skincare regimen. I can tell you that, in the last year, I’ve moisturized approximately 250% more than any other year of my life. While I welcome and embrace proof of the time passing on my face, I know that aging gracefully and responsibly means treating my largest organ (my skin) the right way.

But the thing is, the right way doesn’t need to be expensive when you can use nature’s bounty to treat your skin. This eye gel recipe is easy and inexpensive, using the anti-inflammatory properties of the cucumber. Cucumbers, in addition to being alkaline-packed powerhouses in the juicer, are high in Vitamin C. Puffy, swollen skin will soak that stuff right up. Let me show you how easy this is.


4 oz aloe vera gel

1/2 large cucumber, washed, peeled, and cut into cubes

Blend the cucumber with an immersion blender or in a food processor until liquid. Strain the juice of the cucumber through a fine sieve and set aside.

Place the aloe vera gel in a small bowl and mix in 2 tbsp cucumber juice. Whisk well until combined and pour into bottle. Shake gently and place in the fridge to chill for 1 hour before using. Shelf life is 3 months (in the refrigerator).

Apply under and around the eyes before bed.

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