Tuesday 31 May 2016

5 Ways to Lengthen Eyelashes Naturally

You know those eyelashes lengthening products that promise to lengthen your lashes but will potentially darken your irises permanently? Yikes. Those scare me. No thanks. However, there are a ton of home remedies out there to try that may naturally lengthen your lashes!

1. Oils

Olive oil and castor oil are both said to lengthen your lashes when applied with a clean mascara wand and left on overnight. Whichever you have on hand should do the trick. After 2-3 months of consistent application you should start to see fuller, longer and healthier lashes. To optimize your results, add lemon peel to your oil. You’ll want to let your lemon and oil infuse for about a week before using.

2. Brush your lashes

Brushing your lashes with a soft bristled lash brush daily may stimulate growth. You’ll never want to brush them harshly or for more than 10 minutes as that could result in your lashes falling out. Keep up this routine until you start to see the growth you are looking for.

3. Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) applied to lashes with a clean lash comb or mascara wand will help moisturize your lashes and help them to appear thicker and healthier. The increased moisture may help stimulate the follicles and help those lashes grow!

4. Vitamins

The same way vitamins, like biotin or Hair Skin and Nails, can help your hair to grow faster and healthier, they can also help to grow your eyelashes too!

5. Coconut Oil

If you haven’t tried coconut oil on your hair, you’ve got to! It makes it so soft and shiny, and somehow it makes my blond hair brighter! While you are at it, apply it to your lashes. You can melt it (which should only take a few seconds in the microwave) into a liquid and apply it with a clean mascara wand or a cotton ball. Keep it out of your eyes, and don’t apply it while it’s still hot from melting.

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Natural Hair Growth Treatment

Some useful home remedies and natural treatments to boost hair growth are given below. When paired with a healthy lifestyle, these treatments can wonderfully improve the natural hair growth.
Scalp massage with a piece of lemon or oil in a circular motion can add strength and boost hair growth.

Application of whipped eggs over the scalp also helps promoting hair growth.

Mash some fenugreek seeds to get a paste and put on the paste to you scalp. This remedy can add shine to the hair along with promoting its growth.

Mix thyme, rosemary and cloves together and bring the mixture to boil to get a hair pack. This hair pack contributes efficiently to hair growth.

Rinsing hair with coconut milk is also a healthy and useful option.

When applied to the scalp and hair, a mixture of rosemary, olive, egg and lemon is an effective remedy for hair growth. Hold the recipe on for few minutes and then rinse off using plain water.

Beer is also beneficial for getting healthy hair.

All these remedies work the best as long as a healthy lifestyle is followed. Following lifestyle tips should be followed if you want to have quality hair growth.

Exercise daily. It improves circulation that in turn activates hair follicles and thus promotes quality hair growth.

Amend your diet chart and include some healthy options in it. A protein rich diet promotes healthy hair growth, so, ensure including protein rich food i.e. yogurt, fish, eggs, and beans etc. in you routine diet.

Stress is a foe of your hair that causes hair fall and inhibits hair growth. So, try staying relax as much as it’s possible.


Having oily skin is an absolutely drag and finding skincare tips for oily skin isn’t all that easy! I have oily skin right in my T-Zone area and I’ve got to say, I’ve found all sorts of skincare tips for oily skin that have helped me kick the oil out and keep my pores clear! So ladies, you ready to explore my top skincare tips for oily skin so you can keep your skin beautiful? Take a look below!

Have you ever put a face mask on your face to kick the oil outta your skin? An egg and sugar face mask is a great skincare tip for oily skin that will really get the oil out of your skin and unclog your pores! Just a little bit of eggs, a little bit of sugar and scrub away and you’ll see quite a huge difference in how oily your skin is!

Did you know that dryer sheets can actually help fight the oily skin? This skincare tip for oily skin is unique and different but it so works! After you get out of the shower and dry your face off, just run a quick dryer sheet over your face to combat that oil before you moisturize!

Speaking of moisturizing, you want to make sure that it’s light and if you really want to beat out the oil, invest in some tinted moisturizers. That way, you won’t have to add on another layer of foundation, instead you can just go out with a little bit of oil absorbing powder on!

Another staple in my purse to fight oil is oil absorbing sheets. These sheets won’t disrupt your makeup, but they will suck all of the oil out! This skincare tip for oily skin is absolutely one of my favorites because it doesn’t mess up my makeup!

Did you know that a few squeezes of an orange and some egg yolks in a mask can actually combat all of the oil in your face? Just put this mask on once a week and you’ll see how bright and not-oily your face becomes! It’s a beauty secret of mine.

The moisturizer that you pick when you have oily skin is very, very important. Water-based moisturizers are lightweight and not oily at all, so you never have to worry about your clogs being blocked up by your moisturizer! This skincare tip for oily skin is definitely one I use all of the time.

Exfoliating your skin is one skincare tip for oily skin that a lot of women overlook. Exfoliate just once a week (I use St. Ives Apricot Scrub!) will get all of the dead skin cells off of your face and will leave it glowing and beautiful!

Oil absorbing powder is another staple in my purse and absolutely one of my favorite makeup powders! Neutrogena is a brand that has some of the best oil absorbing powders – try this brand ladies!

Finally, the last skincare tip for oily skin that we’re going to explore is to avoid any alcohol based cleansers. These can actually completely dry your skin up and make it so it feels tight, instead of moisturizers. Instead, us something lighter and something less harsh.

There you have it ladies, my top skincare tips for oily skin that will help you look beautiful all the time! So girls, what skincare tips for oily skin do you use?

2 Simple Pimple Treatments For Oily Skin

Pimples are probably the most feared and persistent problem any woman with oily skin will complain about! Here is what they are before we give you the solution!

What are Pimples?

Pimples are caused by clogged pores, and the sebum secretions of Oily skin. Oily skin type is especially infamous for Pimples. The Oil glands of this skin type is extra active and always secrete oil. If we leave this skin type without proper cleaning, the probability of the occurrence of pimples, acne and Black heads increases multifold.

The oil secreted by the skin glands will easily attracts dust from atmosphere. The clogging of pores by this dust is the main reason for pimples. So, regular cleansing, toning and moisturising of face with proper products helps to get rid of Pimples.

Here are some Home Remedies for Pimples:

1. Lemon Juice and Honey Mix:

Lemon is the best home remedy for oily skin. Lemon Juice contains Citric acid which can neutralise and control the oil secretion of oily skin. It has the capacity to reduce pimples effectively.

Honey has antibacterial properties and it can restore the moisture balance of the skin well. Honey gives a natural glow for the skin and also helps in the pimple reduction process.

How to:

Squeeze 1 spoonful fresh Lemon juice and take the same amount of Honey in a clean bowl. Mix them well. You will get a thick liquid now.
Apply it all over the face and neck after cleansing the face properly.
Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture all over the face.
Leave the mixture on the face for 15 to 20 minutes.
After 15 minutes, wash it off with cold water.
You can notice the immediate pimple reduction and a bright glow on your Face. Also this treatment helps to fade away the pimple marks too. This is very simple and effective pimple treatment for oily skin. By doing this pimple treatment regularly, you can help keep the pimples at bay. After that you can do this weekly twice.

2. Besan and Curd Face Pack:

Besan is known as Bengal gram dal flour, and it is available easily in our kitchens. The same holds true for Curd as well. So, we don’t need to rush to a beauty store to get these items. Besan is rich in proteins and vitamins, and curd is rich in vitamin A and C. Curd can keep the skin soft and supple by moisturising it properly. At the same time Besan takes out extra greasiness of the oily skin.

How to:

Take 2 teaspoons of Besan and one teaspoon of curd. Mix this mixture with a spoon well in a clean bowl to make a thick paste.
To this thick paste, add two drops of Lemon and a pinch of Turmeric powder.
Mix it well to make a mixture and then apply this paste evenly on your cleansed face and neck. This face pack may take some time to dry.
After 20 minutes to 30 minutes, apply warm water on the dried face pack to make it loose.
Now rub gently to remove the face pack from the face and neck. By rubbing like this, your skin’s dead cells will be removed. Then splash cold water to remove the rest of the face pack.
Viola!!! See your face in the mirror; it will look fresh and shiny like a gloss. Repeat this pimple treatment for oily skin weekly twice initially. After pimples are controlled, you can do this once every 15 days.

Beauty Tips for Oily Ski

Weekly Face Masks are highly effective:
After exfoliation, follow up with a face mask. Those face packs or masks containing Kaolin and Bentonite clay, Sandalwood, Fuller’s Earth (Multani mitti) are very good for oily skin as these gently absorb excess oil.

Weekly homemade face masks:

Mash the pulp of a ripe papaya, add half a lemon to this; mix nicely; apply on face and massage well; leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cold water. This controls oil very well.

Peel a fresh apple and cut it into thin slices; blend these and add 2 tbsp of honey to it; make a smooth paste and apply on your face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. This will control shine, tighten pores and hydrate your skin naturally.

Natural Moisturizers for Dry Skin


Milk has been known for it's moisturizing benefits since ancient times when Cleopatra used it for her baths. Her skin was nourished and hydrated because of the proteins it contains, thus milk is a great natural moisturizer. Apply a few cups of milk into your bath water and enjoy your new silky skin.

Natural plain yogurt

Yogurt, just like milk is known for it's moisturizing skin properties. It is a great natural moisturizer for the summer because it also helps cool down the skin. The natural plain yogurt needs to be applied over the skin, left on for about 10 minutes and washed off. You skin will remain silky and soft to the touch.

milk yogurt

Olive oil

Olive oil is known for it's multiple skin and health benefits. It is very important to use extra virgin olive oil simply because it is the least processed out of all three olive oil types. Olive oil helps the skin retain moisture by simply applying it over the skins surface. Gently massage the olive oil into the skin and let it work it's magic for about 15 minutes. Wash the olive oil off and you will instantly feel a difference in the way your skin feels.

Egg yolk and honey

This combo works wonders on your skin, and the mask made using these two ingredients is great for the complexion. Mix an egg yolk with a couple of teaspoons of honey and apply it on your face and neck. Massage the mixture onto your skin and wait for it to start drying. Once the mixture starts to dry wash it off with lukewarm water. Your skin will feel soft and silky to the tough.

If you are a true believer of the power of natural ingredients and your skin needs to regain it's moisture be sure to give these ingredients a try and see how they work for you.

Home-made Anti-Aging Mask

These masks really do wonders to your skin. If you apply them consistently you will be able to see the difference only in matter of few days. So, we suggest that you follow this routine religiously. Following is the way to make home-made anti-aging masks.

home made antiaging mask 326 x 457 skin care heath and beauty tips

Strawberries Mask

The first mask is the Strawberries mask. You take 5 strawberries, mash them properly and then mix them with one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Also add one teaspoon chamomile brew and one teaspoon of honey. We are aware of the fact that honey is very useful for your skin. Mix all of these things properly and then apply it on your face and neck. Leave this mask on for 15-20 minutes. Then get a cotton ball, and some cold milk in a bowl. Dip the cotton ball in the milk and use it for removing the mask.

Carrot and cottage cheese mask

Then we have the carrot and cottage cheese mask. In this you need is cream, carrot and cheese. What you do is; you take one tablespoon of fresh thick sour cream, a tablespoon of cottage cheese, and a tablespoon of carrot juice. You mix all these properly and then apply it on your face and on your neck for 30 minutes. Then wash the mask with warm water, after washing your face we recommend that you massage the face with ice cubes.

Blackcurrant mask

In blackcurrant mask you need a tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of blackcurrant juice and one teaspoon of unsalted butter. What you have to do is; first you have to steam melt the honey. Then blend all the ingredients properly and apply it on your neck and face for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes wash it off with cool water.

Egg yolk anti-wrinkle mask

The last among the home-made anti-aging mask is Egg yolk anti-wrinkle mask. What you need is one egg yolk, one teaspoon of carrot juice and two tablespoons of fresh sour cream. Mix all these things properly and then apply it on your face for 30 minutes. Then wash the mask off with linden blossom brew.

Natural Home Remedy to Baggy Eyes

Baggy eyes in the morning are a common problem. The reason for the problem is a combination of thin skin and fluids gathering beneath your eyes while you sleep. In kids, the problem usually goes away pretty fast, but it can linger on as you get older. Here's what you can do if you wake up in the morning with bags under your eyes.

Use a Cold Compress

Cold compresses are a good first reaction and may work pretty quickly. All you need is water, a cloth and your freezer. Simply wet the cloth until it is damp and let it chill in the freezer while you have a cup of green tea. The cloth should not be hard or heavy. Lean back in a recliner or chair, but don't lie down. Gravity helps the fluids to move away from your head and eyes. Place the cloth over your eyes. Give it at least 15 minutes.

Drinking the green tea is another trick that can help. The small amount of caffeine won't make you jittery, but it will act as a diuretic. Diuretics help rid your body of excess fluids. The antioxidants may also improve the strength of your blood vessels and promote good fluid circulation.

Use Sliced Cucumbers

Some sources say that sliced cucumbers work better than a regular cold compress. If the cucumber has been in your fridge, then the slices should work as a cold compress and may also provide other benefits.

Cucumbers contain antioxidants that may promote fluid circulation. So, if you have a cucumber handy, give it a try.

Use an Eye Cream with Decongestant Activity

The better eye creams contain the ingredients HALOXYL and EYELISS. The two formulas work together to significantly reduce bags. With regular use, a good eye cream may prevent the problem all together. If you need to look your best today and you woke up with baggy eyes, I suggest using the cold compress first and then applying a good eye cream after you shower.

Use a Face Cream with Natural Anti-Inflammatory Activity

The regular use of a face cream with natural anti-inflammatory activity can improve the function of the tiny blood vessels beneath the skin, keeping the fluids moving instead of allowing them to pool up under the thin skin beneath the eyes.

Many natural ingredients have some anti-inflammatory activity. Most antioxidants do. But one of the most effective natural anti-inflammatories is a formula called Xtend-TK. It has been shown to block inflammation before it starts. Whenever fluids gather beneath the skin, the condition can be described as inflammation.

Take Fish Oil on a Regular Basis

Fish oil is a popular dietary supplement with many proven benefits. If you have baggy eyes on most mornings, your problem may be caused by poor circulation and chronic inflammation. Fish oil helps to improve circulation. One of its best known benefits is to the cardiovascular system where it works to lower fats in the bloodstream that make the blood thicker and harder to circulate.

The better fish oils also have proven anti-inflammatory activity. One capsule might not get rid of your morning bags, but with regular use, the supplement could keep you from having the problem.

How to Make Homemade Blackhead Remover

Blackheads can be unsightly and extremely difficult to remove if they are set deep in the skin tissue. However, there are simple ways to treat this condition. You can make a natural blackhead remover that doesn't employ any harsh chemicals which may further irritate your skin.

Things You'll Need
Lemon juice
Lime juice
Fenugreek leaves
Rose water
Baking soda

Soak rice in milk for 5 hours and then grind this in a blender until it is paste-like in consistency. Use the paste as a scrub on affected areas of the body.

Use lemon juice and rub it on the blackheads a few times a day. You can also use equal parts of lime juice and cinnamon powder and apply this mixture to blackheads. Leave it on overnight and rinse it off in the morning.

Make a homemade blackhead remover by grating raw potatoes and then rub the area with the mixture. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

Form a paste with some crushed fenugreek leaves and water. Put this on the face for 15 minutes and then remove it. Do this every night to keep your face free of blackheads.

Combine some coriander leaves and a little turmeric powder with water and form a paste. Use this as a mask to eliminate blackheads.

Grind oatmeal into a powder in a blender and then add some rose water. Use this on affected areas for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

Prepare a mixture of equal parts of baking soda and water and rub it onto your face or other body areas prone to blackheads. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Honey is also good for removing blackheads. Spread honey on the affected area and remove it after 15 minutes.

Acne Home Remedies Divided by Skin Type

1; Mixing Baking Soda W/ Water:
The most generic, though effective of acne home remedies. The baking soda uses an all-natural alcohol free method of drying up the excess sebum under the skin. Mix a cup of baking soda with a little water until it becomes a paste, apply to the infected spot (not the whole face). Leave on for 15 minutes and gently wipe off. Feel fabulous.

2;Get Smelly, Mush Up Some Acne Home Remedies w/ Garlic:

Ready to wreak? The very effective method is a powerhouse in acne treatment. Peel back a clove of garlic, chop it up till its a mush, then apply to whole face for 20 minutes. Remember to wash it off, unless you like the smell of garlic.

3;Apple Cider Vinegar and Water Solution:
Ouch! This one might leave a little sting if your not careful. If your skin is sensitive be sure to dilute the vinegar with water appropriately. This is one of my favorite acne home remedies because it's so strong and gets to work pretty darn fast. Apple cider vinegar is a strong astringent packed with skin protecting vitamins. To use, mix with water and apply with a cotton swab. Don't rinse.

4 The Orange Peel Facial:
Time to smell daringly citric! It's the most fruity of our acne home remedies. Peel the orange, flatten it with a tenderizing utensil or other blunt object (surprisingly, even a hammer works) and apply the peel to your acne area. (You can even go as far as taping it on your face). Leave on for 20 minutes and remove. Be careful not to snatch the tape off too fast. Ouch!

5 Combining Aspirin and Water:
Headache pills for the face? I've never tried this one myself but I'm hearing it's very powerful so I wouldn't over-do it. To use, crush an aspirin and add a little water until it becomes a paste. Apply the paste to a single pimple spot only and let it sit overnight. Rinse at wake.

6 Tomato Juices Work Wonders:

Tomato juice anyone? For this home remedy take a tomato and place it in the blender or chop and squeeze. If you decide to use a blender for your acne home remedies, make sure you clean it thoroughly beforehand. This way, you wouldn't have any leftover residues from last weeks chocolate shake sitting on your face. Apply the juices for an hour then rinse off. But be warned, frequent use of tomato juice will dry out your skin. Try other acne home remedies from time to time.

7 Green Tea Ice Cube:
Got spare green tea lying around? If you do, then you got one acne's greatest home remedies. Freeze green tea into an ice cube and apply to a specific spot. Use until swelling decreases or it melts away.

8 The Lemony Rose Water Supreme Combo:
Combining these 2 deadly acne killers will definitely thwart the competition (no pun intended). To use, mix a half cup of rosewater with a quarter of lemon juice and apply to infected area. The rosewater will repair damaged skin and the astringent will suck up excess sebum. The ideal acne fighting tag-team.

9 Break an Egg, Clear a Face:
Egg whites are the perfect facial cleansers and make pretty strong acne home remedies. To keep the acne away, break an egg, separate the white from the yolk, apply to whole face and feel your skin tighten. Wash away in an hour and feel refreshed! Or just really eggy.

10 Green Tea Ice Cube:
For this method, you get to eat the majority of the strawberry, and the best part is strawberries are really good for you! Eat the berry part, save the crown part and apply to infected area. After 20 minutes rinse and relax. Like my orange peel strategy, you can feel free to use tape.

11 Potato Slice Plain and Simple:
Potato slices work wonders. Slice one, hold it on your face for as long as you want and enjoy. You can leave it on all day if you wish. Cant have too many potato's. Simple acne home remedies personified!

12 The Surefire Clay Mask:
Well I saved the best of my acne home remedies for last and for a good reason. I have heard umpteen absolutely uplifting stories about these things and I'm fully convinced that these masks are the best solution to getting rid of acne overnight. If you need clay, visit Mountains Rose Herbs and do a search for "clay" - It cost $4.95 a pound, (a good bargain cheaper than most acne products you can buy over the counter). To apply, take one TSP of clay and mix it with water until it becomes a paste. Then apply to infected spot and leave on as long as you want. Use for overnight is best.

"Acne Home Remedies For Dryer Skins"

13 Stir up some avocado and honey:

My best choice for a homemade moisturizing mix. Mash up some avocado, add some honey to make a paste, and apply to infected area. Do not overdo the honey. To much honey will lead to clogged pores. Apply to face and wash off in 20 minutes. Avoid rubbing in.

14 Olive Oil Absorption:
As with all skin moisturizing agents be careful of applying too much and doing more harm than good. Take a table-spoon, dilute with a very little bit of water, and apply to infected area. Let sit for 20 minutes and pat dry. Simple acne home remedies at it's finest.
Astringent Honey Powerhouse Combination:
Honey tends to work miracles as a natural skin rejuvenator. Combine that with any astringent and you got an acne fighter. Use any astringent I've recommended in this post and you should be fine. Just remember to wash your dosage. Apply for 15 minutes and enjoy.

"Acne Home Remedies For Oily Skins"
Lemon Juice Suction:
This one is for those fiery, tough chicks. Lemon Juice is the most potent of all Acne Home Remedies and especially effective on oily skins. Slice a lemon in half, squeeze out its juices and apply it to face using a cotton swab. Be wary, as burning and bleaching of the skin may occur if you over-do it.
The Solution More Powerful than Lemon Juice Alone:
This one is for the daredevils. This will result in a super sucker solution that's almost a surefire way to get rid of that pimple. But as with all acne home remedies, with great risk comes great reward. Be careful of burning and bleaching of the skin. Same as before chop lemon in half, squeeze juices and add salt to the mixture. Apply to face and enjoy. As with most acne home remedies, remember to rinse after 10 minutes.

18 Just a Little Bit of Baby Powder:
On the contrary many argue that baby powder outright destroys your skin. Which it can if your not careful. So unless your absolutely sure you can apply the necessary amount, don't bother. Add a very small amount of baby powder with a little water to make a slightly moist paste and apply to spots. Do not rub in or your risk blocking your pores and making the problem worse.

19 Toothpaste for the face:
A classic example on everyone's acne home remedies list. It's simple and dangerously effective. All you have to do is dab a quarter size amount of toothpaste and let the astringent properties eat through your pimple. Tips for this one? Only one, stay away from gel toothpastes.

20 A Simple Wipe-Off Might Do The Trick:
This is the only entry I wont consider to be an acne home remedy but, its so effective and inexpensive, I decided it would make a perfect addition to this list. C&C Oil wipes do a spectacular job of ridding your face of those nasty excess oil reserves I talked about earlier, and I constantly get reviews from readers who can vouch for them. If you have oily skin I urge you to pick some of these things up ASAP. They just might be what you need to manage your pimple production, on demand.

Monday 30 May 2016

Eat My Chocolate Face

Dark Cocoa Powder – high level of antioxidants that promote cell repair, helps firm & prevent wrinkles, high vitamin & mineral content, increased hydration, decreased skin roughness, increased defense of UV damage

Plain Yogurt – contains lactic acid that dissolves dead skin cells, natural antibiotic that kills bacteria, zinc which aids in clearing zits

Salt – shrinks pores, helps exfoliate dead skin cells

Coconut Oil – vit E & K, polyphenols are anti-aging, & fatty acids that moisturize w/o causing breakouts

Dark Honey – antibacterial, helps open clogged pores, helps skin retain moisture.

How to perfectly apply lip liner on full lips

DIY Shrink Pores Mask Recipe

This one is my favorite: ultra-easy to do, ultra-efficient, and it smells good!

Makes 1 portion

Aloe Vera

aloe vera


Cut a slice of Aloe vera.
Open and extract the gel with a spoon.


Apply evenly onto your face and rub gently.
Leave on until it is dry, then rinse off with room temperature filtered water and pat dry.

Nature's Secrets

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera plant is considered to be a miracle for health due to numerous Aloe vera juice and gel benefits. Although Aloe is about 99% water, the remaining 1% is extremely powerful and it is thought this is because the close to 100 ingredients work extremely well together (synergistically). The ingredients in Aloe can be grouped into the following categories: Vitamins, Minerals, Sugars, Enzymes, Lignins, Amino Acids, Anthraquinones, Saponins, Fatty Acids, Salicylic Acid.

Anti-Ageing Treatment at Home (skin food)

Anti-ageing treatment can be easily done at home. The home remedies for doing it would make one feel better and relaxed because it gives good results. Regular anti-ageing treatment at home would be beneficial and give permanent results too.

Anti-Ageing Treatment at Home
Using some simple herbs, fruits, vegetables and drinking a lot of water would be the simple anti-ageing treatment for all the men and the women. Moreover, the teens can also start the first step to remain younger throughout their life. So, let’s know more about the anti-ageing treatment at home.

1. Anti-ageing treatment is for lifetime and for that one needs to drink a lot of water daily and for lifetime.

2. Sleeping peacefully for 8 hours would add a boost to the anti-ageing treatment without the need of any other special medicines.

3. Doing yoga exercises would remove the excess fat from the body and also keep the skin younger, healthier and wrinkle-free. Yoga provides oxygen to the blood cells of the skin and thus keeps it away from ageing.

4. Eating fresh fruits is very essential because fruits add amazing enzymes and water to the body which keeps the skin cells rejuvenated.

5. Eating fresh green leafy vegetables would add water and minerals to the body for keeping the skin clean, glowing and young.

6. Applying fruit, herbs and vegetables packs on the skin during the various seasons would helps rejuvenate the skin for keeping it younger and free from toxins.

7. Using natural scrubs like chickpea flour would remove the dead cells from the skin to keep it glowing and wrinkle-free.

8. Cucumber paste can be applied on the skin and on the eyes for best toning of the skin to prevent wrinkles and dark circles.

9. Avoiding oily food is recommended because it is harmful for stomach and the skin.

10. In-digestion is the main reason for all the skin problems. It is important to drink water, sleep well and eat healthy fiber rich food for proper digestion of food.


Is cold weather giving you the beauty blues? Don’t fret! Chapped cheeks aside, it turns out ice is your new beauty BFF! Sometimes a chilly rinse or frozen facial is just what the doctor ordered when things begin to dull during a long cold winter. Icing your skin is believed to improve circulation as well as ward off wrinkles. Plus, it’s refreshing after spending a day with your radiators on blast. Here are a few tricks to try with ice the next time you’re snowed in!

Shrink A Zit
Holding ice on a pesky pimple is a no-fuss way to get the red out. Ice decreases inflammation, and can even relieve the pain associated with acne. Wrap a cube in a ziplock baggie (a rough towel can break tender skin), hold against the affected area for five to ten minutes, and tell that zit to chill!

De-Puff Eyes
Rough night? Reach for an ice cube while you wait for your morning coffee to brew. Wrapping a cube in a washcloth and holding over the eyes can reduce early morning puffiness, and make you look and feel more alert. For a stronger effect, freeze cubes of caffeinated black tea, or store sliced cucumbers on ice to keep you feeling fresh.

Prime Skin
Before patting on foundation, run an ice cube over your face, focusing on areas with enlarged pores. The cold water will cause pores to reduce in size and minimize their appearance under makeup. Icing these areas before your application of a primer can yield extra-smooth results fit for an ice queen.

Scrub Away
For a skin-brightening pick-me-up, make a DIY icy scrub by blending fruits or veggies (like cucumber, strawberries or mango) with water and freezing in ice cube trays. Once frozen, gently rub a fruity cube over your face as part of your weekly facial. The chunky texture will exfoliate as the ice melts into a juicy slush.

Care for Legs With Natural Home Treatments

Every year billions of dollars are spent on expensive creams, lotions, ointments and gels in an attempt to get perfect skin and beautiful legs. But expensive over-the-counter skin care treatments often contain harsh chemicals and synthetic perfumes, which can cause your skin more harm than good. If you want beautiful legs naturally and easily, just open your kitchen cabinets. Read on to learn how to care for legs with natural home treatments.
Things You'll Need
Baking soda
Almond oil
Apple cider vinegar

Mix 4 tbsp. of baking soda with enough warm water to make a natural skin care paste. Once a week gently massage the baking soda paste onto your legs. This treatment will help to prevent ingrown hairs, will smooth the skin and leave your legs looking healthy and feeling silky.

Massage almond oil into your legs everyday after a shower as a natural moisturizer. Almond oil not only deeply moisturizes your skin, but can work to relieve pain and reduce the swelling of tired legs and feet. The gentle daily massage combined with the anti-inflammatory effects of almond oil can help to prevent and reduce varicose veins.

Elevate your legs at night to help increase blood circulation by placing a pillow lengthwise between your knees and ankles. Increasing blood circulation can help to lesson skin discoloration in the legs, keep muscles healthy and prevent varicose veins.

Eliminate varicose veins once and for all with an apple cider vinegar remedy. Soak a piece of cheesecloth in apple cider vinegar and wrap the cloth around your legs where varicose veins are present. Elevate your legs and relax for an hour or so before taking a lukewarm shower or bath. You should see results in as soon as a month.

Eat one whole cucumber daily to help reduce swollen ankles and calves. Cucumber is a natural yet gentle diuretic that can effectively reduce swelling in the body. Natural, nutritious and delicious, cucumber is the perfect addition to your skin care treatment.

Get plenty of exercise and eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Diet and exercise are the best skin care treatments nature can offer, helping to reduce cellulite, keep muscles toned and the skin and body healthy.

Beauty Tips For Pimples

Much as you may have heard that pimple is just a sign of your ‘developing youth’ and will leave you almost as soon as you’ve left your teenage years behind, in reality, pimples can come up almost at any age, much to your disappointment and terror. Internationally renowned beautician, Shahnaz Husain shares some of her beauty tips that can help you get rid of pimples and pimple marks right at home.

1. Rose Water

Wash your face twice a day using a medicated soap. Pimples usually occur in areas that are oily, so it’s important you use a special medicated soap that will help keep the oil glands in check. Once you have wash your face, take some rose water and mix it with an astringent in equal amounts. Apply this all over the washed parts of your face. Do this two to three times a day.

2. Do not Apply besan or multani mitti

If you are experiencing pimples, avoid using or applying besan or multani mitti. These can sometimes lead to clogging of pores that can further cause pimples.

3. Turmeric and curd

Mix some turmeric and curd to form a paste and apply this daily on your face. Keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and wash off.

4. Sandalwood paste and rose water

Add a few drops of rose water to some sandalwood paste and apply this on the forehead and other affected areas where there are pimples or pimple marks. Keep this paste on for at least an hour, before washing off.

5. Glycerine and rose water

If you already have oily skin, applying cold cream, especially in winters, will lead to further pimples. Instead of your cold cream, take one part of pure undiluted glycerine and mix it with four parts of rose water. Store this in a bottle and keep this in the fridge. Apply this mixture on your face each time you wash. Just before applying it, add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture to lighten any pimple spots.

6. Curd

Take some curd and mix it with a bit of turmeric to form a paste. Apply this daily on your face. Keep on for 15 to 20 minutes and wash off with water.

7. Neem leaves

Take a handful of neem leaves and simmer them in water for some time till the water slightly changes colour. Let it cool down. Strain the water and use it to wash your face. You can also use cotton balls to dab the water and apply over affected area.

8. Cucumber juice

To clean oily or combination skin, mix two teaspoons of cucumber juice with milk and lemon juice. Take a cotton pad and dipping it in the mix, dab across your skin and wipe gently.

Best Homemade Skin Scrubs For Fair Skin

Following is the list of Best Homemade Skin Scrubs For Fair Skin

1. Lemon-honey face scrub
The first scrub among the best homemade skin scrubs for fair skin is the legendary Lemon-Honey face scrub. Combination of both — lemon and honey– is known for lightening your complexion as well as for making your skin cotton soft. The acidic nature of lemon works as a bleaching agent thus helping your skin to get light. On the other hand honey makes your skin baby soft. To retain dead skin and get moisturising benefits, mix 2 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tbsp of olive oil and 1 and 1/2 tbsp of sugar. Apply this on the face and rinse after few minutes.

2. Salt, lemon and sugar scrub
The we have the salt, lemon and sugar scrub among the best homemade skin scrubs for fair skin.This is the best remedy for brightening your complexion and also for exfoliating your skin. All you need is 2 tablespoons of salt, with juice of half lemon and add some sugar. he mixture so formed is highly advantageous to get a proper tone of skin after scrubbing in the natural way.

3. Avocado and oatmeal scrub for oily skin
Then we have the Avocado and Oatmeal Scrub For Oily Skin. This scrub works best if you have oily skin, we recommend people with dry and normal skin should avoid this method. Get teaspoons of finely ground oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of avocado can be applied over the skin to get a glowing effect. This mixture is blended in a bowl and a thick paste is formed. It is massaged onto the damp face and then rinsed with warm water.

4. Baking soda blackheads scrub
The last in our list of best homemade skin scrubs for fair skin is baking soda blackheads scrub. The purpose of scrubbing is to remove all the blackheads and whiteheads living skin clear and bacteria free.Mix a tbsp of granulated sugar, 1 tbsp of baking soda and 2 tbsp of water and apply it on your face, which is followed by a massage. Then wash it off after like 10 minutes with warm water.

Beauty Tips to get Fair Skin by Natural Homemade Ubtan

Nature has given us such a wonderful home remedies for skin care to get rid of dark complexion, dull skin, scar marks and pigmentation by applying that you can make your skin blemish free, glowing, fair and beautiful.Ubtan works on Skin as Cleanser, Exfoliate, Scrub and Mask too. From the ancient time in India it was very popular and effective beauty tips and Secret for Skin Care

Natural Beauty
If you are going to attend a lavish party and you want to look flawless and beautiful then start "Ubtan" at least 3 times in a week, on your whole body and face too and stay away to harsh chemicalized treatment. It had complete property of Cleanser, Exfoliate, Scrub for skin care and nourishment which can reflect your Skin as glowing, fair smooth, supple and beautiful. UBTAN is using by queen and princess too from the ancient time, when we did not have any kind of beauty salon and beauty product ranges. Moreover they had a charming beauty. you guys also can opt it, so why waiting Start your day with following UBTAN recipe as per your Skin type and problems and just get fair, glowing, blemish free and beautiful Skin by using this homemade natural Skin care

Beauty Tips by Ubtan Recipe: FOR Fair and Glowing Skin :

Besan: 4 tablespoon
Natural Ubtan
Milk powder: 2 tablespoon
Almond Powder: 2 tablespoon
Turmeric: Pinch
Milk Cream: 1 tablespoon.
Lemon Juice: 2 tablespoon
Olive oil : Few Drops
Rose Water: Few Drops

Skin Care
Mix all ingredients well, then apply on Skin by circular massaging. Let it dry, and then remove this natural Ubtan by massaging. Now you can take bath with lukewarm water not very hot not cold. You can notice in your Skin and face looks brighten and lighten with extra fairness & glowing.

Use Natural Home remedies as per skin type then get rid of dull skin and dark complexion.you will enjoy fair skin with elasticity that brighten and lighten too.Follow this Skin care regime regular for best result.Also Ubtan can remove Tan, Pigmentation and blackheads from your skin naturally.Really Excellent Skin Care regime must follow in your beauty regime.

Rosewater For Acne Cure

There are different ways in which we can use rosewater or acne cure. And some of these ways are listed below.

Rose Water For Acne Cure

Rose Water and Sandalwood

Want to get rid of the pimples, not a problem all you have to do is use rosewater and sandalwood. Using these two can really help you get rid of pimples or any other form of acne. With the help of rosewater and sandalwood, acne is not the only problem we can solve, in-fact it also aids in getting rid of scars that normally are left on the skin. And how to create this mixture, it is really easy. All you have to do is to mix 1 tablespoon of rosewater with 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder. Mix them properly and then apply this mixture to your skin. There is one thing you should always do, before you apply this paste on your face. Make sure that you have washed your face with fresh or lukewarm water. Apply this paste and leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash your face after words.

Rose Water and Lemon Juice

Another useful rosewater for acne cure method is rosewater and lemon juice. This treatment is effective when we plan to rid our self of blackheads and whiteheads. It is effective due to the presence o lemon juice, as lemon juice has alpha hydroxyl acid or AHA that aids in sloughing off of dry skin. To come up with a mix up rosewater and lemon juice, extract one lemon’s juice. Put same quantity of rose water and mix two ingredients together. Make sure that pores are open before you apply mixture on skin and have it sit there for 10-15 minutes. If you want, you can also run a patch test because lemon juice has possibilities of burning.

Turmeric beauty benefits

Make your own turmeric face mask
1. Mix flour, turmeric, honey and milk to make a paste
2 tablespoons of flour. You can use regular flour, rice flour or ground oats if your skin is dry.
1 teaspoon turmeric
3 tablespoons milk. You can also use yogurt to fight acne.
A few drops of honey
2. Apply a thin layer to your face and let it dry for 20 minutes
3. Rinse off in the shower, scrubbing gently to remove.
4. Apply your favorite moisturizer.

Lots of folks worried that the Kool-Aid would turn their hair purple, so I want to assure you that this won’t turn your face yellow or orange. But I definitely recommend a thin layer – the more you pile on the greater your chances of staining, especially on your neck where skin is thinner. I noticed some staining on my hands but it came off easily. You can always wash your face again after showering.
Your kids/husband might find this mask a little disconcerting so it’s also a good idea to do this when you have some alone time! I was going to take a picture with it on, but it was just too frightening.
Have fun and enjoy your glow!

Whiten Up Your Nails

Ever paint your nails black but when you take off the polish your nails look like they have yellowed? This is actually pretty common if you do not use a base coat because dark polishes actually stain your nails, making them look yellow after the polish is gone. Or at least that’s what the lady at the nail salon told me years ago! Typically after I paint my nails with a dark color I wait a few days before I paint them again to reduce the stain left on them, until I saw this little pin on Pintrest.

I tried to follow the link but it lead me right back to my own home page on Pintrest. Weird right? Well since the link didn’t work I don’t know where this originally came from, but here is my spin on how to whiten up your nails after removing a dark nail polish.

What you will need:

Small dish
1 Tablespoon hydrogen peroxide
2 Tablespoons baking soda
Combine ingredients in small dish and stir until you have created a paste. (this looked a lot like my baking soda face mask)

Apply paste to each nail and allow to sit for 3-5 minutes. Leave on for more time if your nails are really stained and a short amount of time if they are not so bad. I wouldn’t exceed more than 7 minutes because you will risk drying out or corroding surface of your nails.

Wash hands and nails thoroughly with warm water and soap to remove all paste left on nails. Moisturize nails, hands, and cuticles with lotion or hand oil. Allow to dry fully before painting nails again.

This is pretty cool and worked well for me! I definitely will use it when I try to go from black polish to french tip.

Sunday 29 May 2016

How To Do Smokey Eyes Make Up

Smokey eye look very attractive specially at night parties and it make a girl look more feminine. But there is a question how to do smokey eyes, here are very simple steps to do this eye make up by yourself at home.

Step 1-:Start with moisturizer and lip balm, apply moisturizer on while eye lid to make a base coat and then apply your lip balm on it, this will increase your make up life.

Step 2-This is very effective to line lower lid first, when ever you want to do your eye make up then start from the lower lid and apply liner or mac coal pencil on you lower lid and then Smudge the liner with pointy brush it can smudge the liner more efficiently.

Use Q tip to remove excess liner make you have even amount on both side or on both eyes
Start with less and then keep adding

Step 3:Line top lid close to lash line ant them smudge it just as you done with lower lash line start from less ad keep adding to get desire look.Apply the brown color into the crease of the eyes blended upper upto the brow bone.

Step 4:Add a dark shadow to extend this darker shade, crease brush is good for blending of the shadow.For smokey eye make up blending count a lot so keep focus on perfect blending.

Step 5:Apply eyeshadow on the top of the liner, smudge the liner and blend the color.In the end keep blending with brush with out apply any eye shadow this will give the perfect blended look to your eye make up.

Step 6: Apply mascara into two thick coats.

Now you are ready with your perfect Smokey Eyes.

Top 10 Favorite Uses for Baby Powder!!

1. Rub beach sand off - We are a beach family! We go every year...but nothing is worse than sticky sand all over your hands, feet and booty! I always pack a travel size baby powder bottle, so that when we are ready for our snacks on the beach, I simply sprinkle the powder on and the sand rubs RIGHT OFF. It's pretty much, MAGIC!

2. Get rid of pesky ants in the house - Did you know, ants hate baby powder? For some reason, it's true! And the good news, is that it is safe to use around kiddos, instead of harsh ant spray. Sometimes those little "sugar ants" find their way into our kitchen window to our sink. Sprinkle baby powder on their trail....and they are gone!

3. Decrease grease in your hair - simple "dry shampoo"! I recommend putting it in the palm of your hands, and then finger combing through your hair, instead of dumping the bottle of baby powder upside down on your head! They always say washing your hair every day is not good...now, you don't have to!

4. Grease splatters (on counters and clothing) - one of my least favorite things to cook, but favorite thing to eat...BACON. It splatters everywhere! Counters, stove and clothing. And the grease stinks! So...I grab my bottle of baby powder and sprinkle it on the counters...wipes right up! Also, for grease splatters on clothing, sprinkle it on, rub it in and repeat until you don't see the grease spot anymore. (This does NOT take the place of washing your clothing after getting grease on you! This method "soaks" up the grease until you can get it in the washer!!)

5. Freshen mattresses between changing sheets - Next time you change our your bedding, sprinkle baby powder on your mattress! Soaks up odors, freshens the mattress and will actually make your fitted sheet feel cooler when you get in your bed!

6. Squeaky floor boards - This one sounds weird, and I wasn't so sure when I first read it on the internet, but it works! Squeaky floors? Sprinkle baby powder down and sweep or brush into the cracks of the area it is squeaking. Taa-daa! No more squeaks! Weird, huh??

7. Setting make-up - Baby powder makes your skin super soft! I am not one to wear a lot of make-up...actually, most days I wear none at all. But, when I do, I wear foundation, blush, mascara (see tip #10!!) and baby powder! Lightly sprinkle baby powder into the palms of your hands and rub together, then rub over your foundation and blush. This acts as a setter for your make-up! Also, absorbs any grease during the day!

8. Heat rashes/diaper rashes - This is the obvious use for baby powder! I learned the hard way, that every diaper change should be finished off with a sprinkle of baby powder! If your little one already has a rash...go for Pure Cornstarch baby powder! Clears it up in just a few uses. I use the Pure Cornstarch to PREVENT a diaper rash as well. (My youngest daughter is 6 months old and has never had a diaper rash!)

9. Socks/shoes/gym bags - Maybe another obvious use. Sprinkle some in your shoes and socks for a quick refresher. Also great in the bottom of gym and diaper bags! Helps keep odor at bay! AND, sprinkle some in your slippers, so when you get out of the shower and slip into slippers, the powder helps soothe and smooth your feet!

10. Thicker lashes - YES! Most women long for those "movie star" lashes, but don't want to deal with false lashes! I read this one online and thought to myself "NO WAY...". But YES, it works! You need an extra lash brush for this "trick", so be prepared! Apply your mascara, then sprinkle some powder in your hand...run a lash brush through it and apply to your still damp lashes. Allow to dry, then repeat a layer of mascara. Continue this until you have reached your desired thickness.

So there you have it! My favorite uses for Baby Powder!!!!

10 Secrets To A Tan-free, Flawless Skin

Sunburn, boils, blemishes- all amount to a patchy, dull and blemished skin. Using sunblock, covering your face with a scarf and hiding under the hat is not enough. The sweltering heat and glaring sun works its way through your scarf, sunblock and hat leaving you with a tan. We suggest some home remedies that will help you to get rid of the tan, dark patches, boils, blemishes and help you achieve a glowing, supple and flawless skin.

► Yoghurt and turmeric mixture
A mixture of yoghurt and turmeric is like an elixir for the skin. Yoghurt soothes and cools the skin. It has a healing effect, and also reduces any redness or irritation of skin. Mix yoghurt and turmeric and apply on the face. If you have tanned patches, then apply it on the targeted area. Let it dry and then wash off with cold water. The mixture gives you a glowing and flawless skin, reducing the effect of tan.

►Potato juice
Applying potato juice is the perfect way to de-tan. It works as a bleach on any dark patches or spots caused by tanning, making your skin look fairer. Take a tablespoon of potato juice, add equal amount of lemon juice to it and apply. You can also place potato slices on your face, arms and other tanned areas.

►Milk cream and saffron
It is said that milk bath was the secret to Cleopatra’s beauty. Milk nourishes the skin and moisturises it. Add some saffron to milk cream and apply it on your skin to make it soft, supple and flawless. Saffron gives your complexion a pinkish tinge, making it look healthy and beautiful.

Vitamin C rich lemons are the best to de-tan and lighten dark spots. Squeeze some juice from a freshly cut lemon, apply it on targeted areas, and let this dry. Now, wash off with cold water. You can also mix glycerine and lemon juice in equal amounts and store it for later use.

Egg whites not only de-tan but also help remove the toxins from your skin. Apply egg white on the affected area, let it dry and then wash off with cold water for a firm, nourished, tan-free and youthful skin.

If you have blemishes, pimples or redness due to pollution and sunburn then here’s an age old, tried and tested remedy for you. Tomato juice is rich in vitamin C and lycopene, which help to keep your skin healthy. You can also add oats with tomato to make a paste. Apply this paste on your face, let it dry, or you can scrub it a little before washing off with cold water. Use this formula to cleanse, nourish, reduce tan, and get rid of blemishes and pimples.

Fresh mint leaves have a cooling effect, and their aroma, too, is heavenly. Crush some mint leaves and apply them on the sunburned patches to get rid of the tan and burn.

►Aloe Vera
The benefits of Aloe Vera have become very popular, and many cosmetic brands are also incorporating the goodness of aloe in their products. It is very easy to grow the humble aloe plant in your garden. Split open a leaf, extract the gel and apply it on your face or other dark or sun burned areas. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off. It removes tan, moisturises and gives you a flawless, beautiful skin.

Rich in vitamin E, almonds nourish the skin. Soak them in milk overnight, then remove the peel and grind them. Almonds can dry out your skin, hence, adding milk cream or honey to the almond paste is advisable. Apply this paste on targeted areas to get rid of sunburns, tan and blemishes. It is also a great remedy to lighten dark lips.

Papaya helps to ex-foliate, it soothes and reduces skin tan, and also makes your skin smooth and free of acne. Rich in vitamin C, it nourishes the skin and gives it a healthy glow. Mash a papaya slice and add some milk cream to it. Apply on the affected areas, let it dry, and then wash off with water.

5 Natural Cures For Acne using Fruits and Kitchen Stuffs

There are a lot of fruits that you can use as natural cures for acne. In this article, you will discover 5 special fruits that can help you to heal your acne naturally. Bear in mind that some fruits may cause more inflammation in your skin (such as lemon, orange, and other sour fruits), depending on how sensitive your skin is. So, watch the effect of those fruits carefully. Here are 5 natural cures for acne that you can get from fruits:

1. Apple

The way apple can help to cure your acne is by eliminating toxins within your body. Apple has strong anti-oxidant within it that can help you to remove free radicals within your body. It will ease your body metabolism and cleanse your body from within. Eat some apples each day and excrete your bowel regularly. You'll see a gradual and consistent improvement in your skin health.

2. Avocado

Your skin really needs vitamin E in order to sustain its health. Vitamin E will help your skin to repair the damage that it has. Acne is one of the damages that your skin will constantly experience if you don't treat it properly. Avocado contains high level of vitamin E which will help you to maintain your skin health and repair your skin damage naturally. Drink avocado juice at least once a day. It will help you to boost the repairing process of your skin damage that is caused by acne.

3. Lemon Lemon is useful to eliminate inflammation in your skin, as well as to eliminate acne spots, redness, and scars. It will act as an astringent as well as bleaching for your skin, and it is widely used as a skin treatment to fade acne scars and prevent aging. If you use lemon, you can effectively clear your acne redness and inflammation. Apply lemon juice in your acne area every night. It will help you to eliminate your acne redness naturally.
4. Banana
(Banana Peel a Magical Remedy for Acne) The major cause of acne is toxic accumulation within your body, and it will become worse as the toxins keep accumulating within your body. If you don't expel your bowel (i.e. toxins) regularly, you won't be able to clear your skin from acne. Banana will help you to prevent constipation and ease your digestive system. Thus, it will allow you to heal your acne quickly. Eat banana fruit every day to ease your digestive system and avoid constipation. You can also apply banana peel in your skin surface to remove bacteria from your skin as well as help your skin to heal your acne.

5. Watermelon
Watermelon is a fruit that contains plenty of water inside. It will help you to cleanse your body instantly as well as give rejuvenating effect to your skin.
Watermelon is rich of anti-oxidant and it is a good source of vitamin A and C, which will help to cure your acne from inside. It also gives your skin a good refreshment and nourishment. Eat a slice or two slices of watermelon every day to keep your skin in a fresh and healthy condition. Those are some of the fruits that you can use as natural cures for acne. If you use them daily and consistently, you will be able to become free from acne very quickly. Also, those fruits will help you to prevent your acne from coming back again.

Cause and Remedy to Swollen Bottom Lip

Reason 1:
This sudden Lip hanging/Swollen is due to Allergy.An ant sting or an insect bite may be another cause where you may find your lip swollen for no reason, especially if it is not itching and if the swelling is either on the upper lip or the lower lip.

Reson 2:
At the first glance you may not be aware that certain food or allergens that you have come in contact have resulted in swollen lips. The allergic compound can be the food you have eaten or medicine that you have taken for the first time.

Reason 3:
Peanuts, shellfish, eggs, soy, cow's milk, dairy products, wheat, jalapeno peppers and certain food additives are some of the common food allergens. Consumption of any such food item would trigger the release of histamines which in turn may cause the lips to swell up.

Reason 4:
Sometimes, an allergic reaction may be triggered by the use of certain drugs.
Venom from bee stings or insect stings or exposure to pet dander, pollen or dust mites could also cause an allergic reaction.

Home Remedies to treat Swollen Lip

ICE Cubes
Wrap ice in a clean towel and apply it on your lips.
Take some ice cubes and wrap them in a towel. Pat this cold compress on the swollen lip. Otherwise, keep a spoon in the freezer for some time and gently press it on the lips. You can also try hot packs.
Hold a towel dipped in warm water for 10-15 minutes on the lips. Heat reduces the accumulation of blood in the swollen area and thus decreases the swelling. These remedies are useful if the swelling is due to an injury.

Salt and Cold Water
Witch Hazel Plant

A mixture of witch hazel extracts and salt in a 2:1 ratio is pretty effective in bringing any kind of topical swelling down. This mixture must stay on the lips for about 15-20 minutes, and should be washed off with cold water thereafter.

Turmeric powder and Honey Mixture
Turmeric powder and Honey Mixture
Apply a mixture of turmeric powder, Fuller's earth, and water. Fuller's earth possesses cooling properties, which help reduce swelling. You can also mix a few drops of organic honey to this mixture, to prevent turmeric and Fuller's earth from drying out your lips..

Tea Bag

Cold Down Tea Bag

Immerse a tea bag in warm water for a few minutes. Remove the tea bag and allow it to cool down. Place it on the lips for a few minutes. This will help to reduce the swelling. Apply a medicated lip balm in order to prevent dryness.

Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil

A mixture of clear aloe vera gel and tea tree oil, in a 2:1 ratio, helps soothe dermal inflammation of any kind and, as such, is helpful in managing swelling of the lips too.
Apply this paste on the swollen lips and let it dry. Thereafter, wash it off with cold water. You may repeat this procedure a couple of times a day if the swelling does not subside.

Brown spots on face

Yellow Mustard Pack
Mix yellow mustard seeds with milk and make it into a smooth paste, Apply this paste immediately to the affected areas on your skin. Let it sit on the brown spots for about 20 to 25 minutes and then you need to wash it off with cold water. Repeat this process once a day for two to three weeks to see visible results.

Tomato And Lemon Juice
Mix two to three teaspoons of lemon juice in the juice of two tomatoes and apply it all over your skin. Let it dry off naturally and then you can wash off your skin with cold water. Repeat this daily to reduce the brown spots on your skin in a couple of week’s time.

Rub the inside of the cut papaya skin on the affected area of your skin for some time and let this juice rest on the skin for about 15 minutes. You can wash it off once it gets dry. This will help in reducing the dark brown spots on skin effectively. Check out amazing benefits of Papaya for skin

Pineapple Juice
Apply pineapple juice with a cotton swab on the brow spots on your skin and face and repeat this process for three to four times a day to easily reduce the effect of brown spots. 

Effective Home Remedies For Dark Ankle

In some people the skin around the ankle may appear black or brown this is known as dark ankle. There are many reasons for the development of dark skin around the ankle. The skin will be dry and thick near the ankle for some people due to constant friction with the boots or rough clothes. It commonly occurs in children and in older people.

The Causes And Symptoms For Dark Ankles
The skin at the ankle is very thin and it may discolor due to various reasons. Staining of wet clothes, wearing boots or any medical conditions can cause dark ankle. The most important medical causes include venous stasis, sprains and bruises and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. When the veins lack the ability to carry blood back up the legs venous stasis occurs. Poor circulation, injury or surgery can result in venous stasis. Ankle sprains can cause bruising and discoloration followed by swelling in the ankle area. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a tick0borne infection. Rash or dark brown spots appear on the ankles and wrist. If any of the medical conditions are causing the dark ankle, you must get the medical advice. Apart from these medical causes, continuous use of shoes or rubbing of the ankle area with rough cloth etc can lead to dark ankle. The continuous friction makes the skin rough and dry. It is possible to cure this type of dark ankle by using various home remedies.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Ankle
1. Almond Paste
If you spot dark ankles and knees in your legs, then you can use almond paste mixture to lighten the dark ankles.
• Take 10 to 15 almonds and grind it to a smooth paste in a blender by adding water.
• Now to this paste add a tablespoon of honey and mix it well.
• Apply this mixture generously over your dark ankles and leave it there either overnight or for an hour.
• Wash it off with cold water.
• Repeat this procedure every day for 10 days to see visible results.
• You can also use milk instead of honey to the almond paste.

2. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a natural extract that has antiseptic properties and has other helpful benefits for the body. It is also an effective home remedy for dark ankles and elbows.
• Cut two to three lemon pieces into halves and extract fresh lemon juice from it.
• Apply this juice evenly on the dark ankles and leave it there for 30 minutes.
• Rinse this off after 30 minutes and repeat this procedure two times a day.
• You will see your ankles lighten in 7 to 8 days.

3. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel is a very good home remedy that you can use to treat dark ankles.
• Apply fresh aloe vera juice or gel on the dark ankles of your leg.
• Leave it there for about 30 minutes.
• You can either wash it off or take a shower after 30 minutes.
• Repeat this process daily to see your skin lightening around the ankle area.

4. Glycerin And Rose Water
Glycerin has certain bleaching properties that will help in effectively lightening dark ankles.
• Add equal proportions of glycerin and rose water in a bowl and then mix well.
• You can also add a little bit of honey to this mixture.
• Apply this mixture generously on the affected area and leave it there for 45 minutes.
• Rinse it off with lukewarm water and then pat dry.
• Repeat at least five to six times a week to see effective changes in ten days.

5. Baking Soda
• Add two or three teaspoons of baking soda in half a bucket of hot water.
• Dip your darkened ankles in this water and leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes.
• Just wash your ankles after 15 minutes and pat dry. Do this regularly to see visible results.
• You can also mix baking soda with a small amount of water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the affected area.
• Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off to see skin lightening around your ankles.

6. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is rich in Vitamin E that helps in lightening the color of the skin.
• Apply generous amount of coconut oil over the dark ankles and massage it well for about 15 minutes.
• Rinse the area properly with lukewarm water and mild soap.
• Do this procedure every day to see skin lightening around the ankle areas.

7. Gram Flour Pack
Gram flour powder is a well known remedy for skin whitening for ages.
• Take 2 tablespoons of gram flour powder and add a tablespoon of yoghurt to it.
• Now add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric powder to this mixture and mix all ingredients well.
• Make this into a smooth paste and apply it over the affected area.
• Leave it there for 20 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
• You will see effective results in a couple of week’s time if you use it three to four times a week.

8. Cocoa Butter
• Apply cocoa butter on the dark ankles and leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes.
• Take a shower after that and use it every day to see lightening of skin around ankles.
• You can also apply cocoa butter cream on your ankles after shower every day to reduce dark color on the ankles.

9. Milk
Milk is a natural ingredient that helps in skin whitening as it has vitamins and fatty acids that helps in reducing dark skin tone.
• Add one tablespoon of rice flour to two to three tablespoons of fresh milk. Mix this well and then add a tablespoon of cued to make a smooth paste.
• Apply it on the dark ankles and gently massage the area for 10 to 15 minutes.
• Leave it there for another 10 minutes and then rinse if off.
• Repeat everyday to see skin lightening around the ankles in about 10 days.

10. Salt With Manicure Shampoo
• In half a bucket of warm water add one or two tablespoons of salt and three teaspoons of manicure shampoo. Mix them well in the water.
• Soak your ankles in this warm water for 15 to 20 minutes.
• Now scrub the affected area with a pumice stone for 5 minutes.
• Do it regularly to see your skin lighten around the ankles.

11. Castor Oil
• Apply generous amount of castor oil on the dark ankles before going to bed.
• Massage it properly for 10 minutes and wear socks to cover it.
• Wash it off the next day morning,
• You will see visible results if you do this regularly.

12. Rice Flour And Vinegar Paste
• Add three tablespoons of vinegar to two tablespoons of rice flour. Add a tablespoon of curd to this mixture as well.
• Mix all the ingredients together to make a paste.
• Apply this paste on dark ankles and scrub it lightly for 10 minutes.
• Leave it there on the skin fro another ten minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
• Use this remedy for ten days everyday to see visible results.

13. Orange Peel
Orange peels are very effective in lightening her skin and can be used to reduce dark ankles.
• Dry the orange peels under the sun for a few days.
• Grind these dried peels into a coarse powder.
• Add this powder in two or three tablespoons of milk and a tablespoon of rose water. Mix well to make a paste.
• Apply this paste on dark ankles and leave it there for 20 minutes.
• Rinse it off with cold water.

14. Sandalwood Paste
• Take a tablespoon or two of sandalwood powder and mix it with equal quantity of rose water. Mix it well to make a smooth paste.
• Apply this paste on the dark ankles and leave it to dry.
• Now wash it off with cold water and repeat this everyday for 10 days to see dark areas turn light.

15. Potatoes
Potatoes have mild acidic properties and are a good natural bleaching agent.
• Cut potatoes into thin slices and place the fresh juicy part of the potatoes on the dark ankles.
• Leave it for a few minutes.
• You can also extract potato juice and then apply this juice on the affected area till dry.
• Repeat this daily to see skin lightening.

16. Cucumber
• Apply fresh cucumber juice on the affected areas of your legs and leave it there for a few minutes.
• Wash it off later.
• You can also add a pinch of turmeric powder or a few drops of fresh lemon juice to the cucumber juice to see more effective results.

17. Hydrogen Peroxide
• Dip a clean cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply it on the dark ankles.
• Allow it to dry on the ankles.
• Repeat this two times a day to see quick results.

18. Natural Scrubber
Prepare a natural scrubbing paste by mixing gram flour, rice flour, walnut shells, curd, lemon juice, milk and make it into a thick paste.
• Apply this mixture generously on the dark ankles and give a nice massage with your hands for ten minutes.
• Allow the mixture to dry and then wash it off.
• Repeat every day for a week to see visible results.

Is dark ankle a cause of concern? Are you finding it difficult to wear slippers and floaters because of dark ankles? Try out some of the above mentioned home remedies to easily get rid of dark ankles.

15 Effective Tips To Get Rid Of Black Knees And Elbow

The buildup of thick and dead skin formed by the friction or pressure in elbows or knees or in ankles causes the skin to turn black. Leaning onto the table using the elbows or kneeling down while you offer prayers can make the skin look dark. It is really embarrassing for women to wear short skirts or sleeveless dresses with black knees and elbows. Black knees and elbows can happen to any person regardless of the color of their skin. Getting too much sun and not exfoliating your skin add to the darkening of the skin. You can easily get rid of these dark knees and elbows using various home remedies. The home remedies should be based on exfoliation and bleaching of the skin.

Here are the Top 15 home remedies to get rid of Black Knees and Elbow:

1.Baking Soda
Baking soda is very effective in cleaning the skin and reduces darkening of the skin. Milk bleaches and cleanses the skin

Take one tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with milk
Apply this paste on knees and elbows and scrub it using circular motion.
Repeat the remedy once every two days. Repeat until you notice changes in the color.

2.Turmeric , Honey And Milk
Turmeric has antiseptic properties and milk act as bleach. Honey moisturizes the dry skin and also has antiseptic properties. These natural properties of the ingredients will help to get rid of black elbows and knees.

Mix some turmeric with milk and honey to make it a smooth paste
Apply it on the dark areas and leave it there for at least 20 minutes
Wet your hands and rub it for 2 minutes and then wash it off with water

3.Sugar And Olive Oil
The sugar present in this home remedy work as exfoliate and the olive oil will moisturize the skin.

Mix equal quantities of olive oil and sugar to make a thick paste
Apply this mix on to the black knees and elbow
Rub the skin using this mixture for about five minutes.
Wash using mild soap and water

4. Lemon And Honey
Lemon juice has natural bleaching property and honey moisturizes the skin preventing darkening of the skin. Repeat this remedy at least thrice a week to get better results

Take the juice of one lemon and mix it with one tablespoon of honey
Apply the mixture of lemon and honey on the affected areas and leave the mixture to act for at least 20 minutes
Wash the mixture off with water to get the lightened skin

5.Gram Flour And Lemon
Gram flour can cleanse the area and also provides mild exfoliation. Lemon is a natural bleach and this will help to reduce the darkness.

Add some lime juice to gram flour to make it damp
Apply the mixture and rub in circular motion, allow it to dry and wash it off to get light colored skin.
Get rid of dark knees and elbows

6.Olive Oil
This oil has natural bleaching properties and it also softens the rough skin on the knees and elbow giving it smoothness and glow. This is one of the cheapest remedy for dark skin formed by friction and dryness.

Rub warm olive oil to the knees and elbows every day for 10 minutes

7.Exfoliating Brush
You can use any exfoliating brush or loofah to remove the dead cells from the knee and elbow

Use the exfoliating brush or loofah while taking bath, when the skin is moist and scrub the skin in circular motion

8.Cocoa Butter And Shea Butter
These natural fats act as good moisturizers and help to make the skin soft. This helps to remove the darkness caused by dry and flaky skin.

Apply cocoa butter or Shea butter on the darkened skin every night before going to bed.

9.Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera reduces the sun damage caused to the skin due to overexposure of the elbows and knees to the sun. It also moisturizes the skin and prevents the dryness which may lead to darkening of the skin.

Take fresh leaves of Aloe Vera and take out the gel by breaking the fleshy leaf.
Apply the fresh gel to the knees and elbows and leave it for half an hour to get fresh looking skin on your elbows and knees.

10.Use Sunscreen Lotions
Using sunscreen lotions while going out reduces the chances of developing dark skin on the exposed parts.

Apply sunscreen while going out in the sun during the summer season.
You can also use it as moisturizer after shower on elbows and knees to lighten the skin color.

11.Vinegar And Yoghurt
When used together this home remedy to reduce the dark color of the skin as they cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Apply a mixture of vinegar and yoghurt on the affected areas and leave it to dry
When the mixture becomes dry rub the area in circular motion for two minutes and wash.

12. Bleaching Fruits
Fruits like lemon, tomato and grapes have bleaching property and help to get rid of black skin when used regularly.

Apply the juice of any of the bleaching fruits regularly to the skin
You can use different fruit juices on different days

13.Use Moisturizers
Moisturizers hydrate the skin and avoid the dryness of the skin. This will prevent darkening of the skin. The moisturizers also reduce the friction on the skin.

Apply good quality moisturizes after having shower to keep your skin fresh and supple

14. Natural Oils
Natural oils will retain the moisture of the skin and reduce the darkness of the skin

Apply any natural oil like olive oil, sesame seed oil or coconut oil on the skin to reduce the dryness and darkening of skin.

15.Pumice Stone
Rub the dark skin using a pumice stone. This helps to remove the dead cells of the skin.

Use pumice stone to remove the dead skin while bathing
Are you embarrassed with the black knees and the elbows? Are you looking for the cheap and easily available remedies for the problem? Then try the above given remedies to get rid of the black knees and elbow.

5 Home Remedies For Hair Growth

Many women, and even some men, enjoy having long hair. It has many incredible style options and nothing looks better than long, healthy hair. In addition to that, many men and women are forced to deal with hair loss issues. These individuals need a way to grow their hair out quickly so that they can battle this frustrating problem. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to grow your hair to the length that you want it. If you want your hair to grow, you must typically wait months before there is any noticeable change. Both doctors and scientists are still having trouble coming up with an easier way to grow hair quickly, but thankfully there are home remedies that can grow your hair rapidly. In this article, numerous home remedies will be mentioned that will help you encourage natural hair growth.

Home Remedy 1: Hot Oil Massage
When you oil your hair, you are giving it the nutrients and vitamins that it needs. It also gives it a great shine when used. Many people do not enjoy the feeling of constantly rubbing oil into their hair and it can cause skin issues. Instead of applying it multiple times day, you can simply give your scalp a hot oil massage. Use oils like coconut oil, castor oil, and even olive oil can work on some types of hair. This will help nourish your hair and strengthen it. In turn, your hair will begin to grow at a much faster rate because of these hair growth oils.

Home Remedy 2: Potatoes
You are probably thinking, “Potatoes? How can a potato help me grow out my hair faster?” As surprising as it may be, potatoes are perfect for encouraging hair growth. Now, you cannot simply take a whole potato and rub it on your hair and expect results. In order for this to work, you must place three potatoes in a juicer and extract all of the juice. Then, you must add that to 1 egg yolk, a little bit of water, and a teaspoon of honey. Take this mixture and apply it to damp hair. After waiting for 30 minutes, wash it out gently with warm water. It is best to undergo this treatment once a week for numerous months. This is one of the most effective home remedies and it is quite easy to do. You are sure to see results after a few weeks of using this method.

Home Remedy 3: Onions!
Yes, onions. This is another food item that is perfect for your hair and can help it become as healthy as possible. When your hair is in its healthiest state, it will cause it to grow and become fuller. This is another mixture that must be applied to your hair and it should be done every time you wash it. However, this mixture should not be used if you use hair dying products, as it may strip the color. First, take 4 cloves of garlic, 2 pieces of cinnamon, and one red onion. You will need to boil them and then simply let them cool. After they have cooled to room temperature, rub the mixture through your hair. After it has sit for 15 minutes, wash your hair gently with warm water. The point of this is to cause hair to become thicker and to keep the strands of your hair from breaking off at the end. As a long term solution, it will cause your hair to grow longer. It will also make it appear thicker at a much faster rate. By giving your hair all of these nutrients and vitamins, you help it grow faster while remaining healthy and full.

Home Remedy 4: A Good Diet
When thinking about things like hair growth, it is easy to look over some of the simplest and most effective solutions out there. While it does not guarantee that your hair will grow faster and longer, it is always beneficial to your hair and can help the process. Having a good diet is important for many reasons. It keeps your hair healthy and healthy hair always grows. It also appears thicker and fuller, giving it the look of long hair. A good diet to help your scalp and hair consists of nuts, whole grains, yogurts, broccoli, carrots, and many types of fruit. Eating unhealthy foods can give both your skin and hair unhealthy oils that damage it. When your hair becomes damaged and unhealthy, it is much harder to grow and it looks unappealing. This is a simple solution, but it takes a lot of dedication to keep going. If you do change your diet to help your hair with hair growth foods, you are sure to see some positive results.

Home Remedy 5: Vitamins!
One of the greatest ways to help your hair get healthy quickly is through the use of vitamins for hair growth. It is always best to take care of your hair, but taking vitamins can help speed up the process. Hair supplements are easy to come by and they work wonders. You should take daily intakes of Folic acid pills and Biotin hair growth. This will strengthen your hair, while also adding some incredible volume. Vitamins A, E, and C are great for smooth, silky hair. As always, consult your physician before attempting any changes to your diet or before you begin taking supplements of any kind. All of these products are easy to find and are perfect for making your hair healthy and encouraging growth.

If you have dreamed about having longer hair, it is time to follow these hair growth tips. By following all of these hair growth home remedies, you are sure to see results in a few simple weeks. The best way to get your hair growing is to make it as healthy as possible and to use a few of these methods to encourage your hair to grow at a much faster rate. Whether we want it to or not, hair plays a big part in our image. In order to look our best, we must have healthy, long hair. Thankfully, by following these home remedies, everyone can.