Tuesday 31 May 2016

Natural Hair Growth Treatment

Some useful home remedies and natural treatments to boost hair growth are given below. When paired with a healthy lifestyle, these treatments can wonderfully improve the natural hair growth.
Scalp massage with a piece of lemon or oil in a circular motion can add strength and boost hair growth.

Application of whipped eggs over the scalp also helps promoting hair growth.

Mash some fenugreek seeds to get a paste and put on the paste to you scalp. This remedy can add shine to the hair along with promoting its growth.

Mix thyme, rosemary and cloves together and bring the mixture to boil to get a hair pack. This hair pack contributes efficiently to hair growth.

Rinsing hair with coconut milk is also a healthy and useful option.

When applied to the scalp and hair, a mixture of rosemary, olive, egg and lemon is an effective remedy for hair growth. Hold the recipe on for few minutes and then rinse off using plain water.

Beer is also beneficial for getting healthy hair.

All these remedies work the best as long as a healthy lifestyle is followed. Following lifestyle tips should be followed if you want to have quality hair growth.

Exercise daily. It improves circulation that in turn activates hair follicles and thus promotes quality hair growth.

Amend your diet chart and include some healthy options in it. A protein rich diet promotes healthy hair growth, so, ensure including protein rich food i.e. yogurt, fish, eggs, and beans etc. in you routine diet.

Stress is a foe of your hair that causes hair fall and inhibits hair growth. So, try staying relax as much as it’s possible.

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