1. drink a lot of water
2.don't delay your micturition
3.wipe from front to back after bowel movement.
4.fully empty your urinary bladder
5.wash genital area before and after coitus.
6.Drink Cranberry juice
If you are looking to reduce your risk of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI), here are some doctor-recommended prevention tips:
►Stay Hydrated: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are less likely to occur in someone who is drinking enough water to promote regular urination, so it is very important to stay hydrated in order to help flush out bacteria from the urinary tract.
►Watch Your Back: Lower back stress that results from improper posture or injury/strain can actually can affect the nerves in the area that contribute to proper urination/flow, which can lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs). When exercising, try to maintain good form while lifting weights or on exercise machines. Avoid carrying heavy items on a regular basis, including overstuffed purses and backpacks, and give your body a break from high heels, which can alter posture and put pressure on the lower back.
►Maintain Control Naturally: Cranberries have been shown to be promising non-drug options for preventing UTIs that are safe and well-tolerated by most women. The proanthocyanadins (PACs) in cranberries affect E. coli cells by inhibiting the bacteria’s ability to attach to the cells lining the bladder wall, and allowing the bacteria to get flushed out in the urine instead of causing an infection. Now, clinically-proven Cystex® Liquid Cranberry Complex provides a synergistic combination of drug-free ingredients known to boost urinary tract health, including cranberry concentrate, D-Mannose, bromelain, and vitamin C. Take at least one tablespoon daily, which provides 17 times the proanthocyanidins (PACS) of cranberry pills.
►Respond to “Nature’s Call”: It is always a good idea to urinate as soon as you feel the need. While “holding it in” does not directly cause an infection, it can cause overdistension that can damage the lining of the bladder, making it more vulnerable to bacteria.
►Remove Tampons Before Going: Remember to always take out tampons before urinating, and change tampons often. Leaving tampons in place can actually effect the stream of urine.
►Practice Proper Bathroom Hygiene: To keep bacteria near the urethral opening to a minimum, it is important to practice proper wiping techniques (i.e. front to back wiping) to help prevent rectal bacteria from entering the uretro-genital area. Another good way to help keep bacteria away from the urethral opening is the “two-paper rule” - use one piece of toilet paper to wipe urine and a second, separate piece to wipe everything else.
►Take a Vitamin C Supplement: About 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C taken daily can help inhibit the growth of some bacteria by acidifying the urine.
►Maintain Control with Cranberries: Cranberries contain hippuronic acid, which is a natural antiseptic that may help prevent the adherence of bacteria to the bladder lining. Drinking 100% pure cranberry juice may help to prevent an infection. However, it is important to note that cranberry juices/supplements are not helpful once a urinary tract infection (UTI) is present, as they are unable to destroy the overabundance of bacteria and can actually cause discomfort and pain while urinating.
►Strengthen Your Core: Often, a lazy bladder (unable to empty urine properly) occurs due to lower back problem, so consider doing exercises to help strengthen your back and stomach muscles. Ask your physician or fitness trainer about which exercises are beneficial to your abs and back. It is also very important to use proper form while exercising to avoid injury.
►Pay Attention to Your Pee: Your urine can change color for a variety of reasons, including from the medications you take, so pay close attention to it to monitor your overall health. One key thing to note is that if your urine is typically a darker yellow, your body is dehydrated, so you need to step up your water intake.
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