Thursday 16 June 2016

Do You Take Bath Everyday

Do you take a bath everyday or is it a weekly affair for you. If you are someone who takes bath everyday then you are lucky. There are many health benefits of taking bath regularly. And if you are someone who bathes only on occasions, there is some bad news for you. You better start taking bathing more often if you do not want to fall sick.

A cold shower has many more health benefits than hot baths. First of all, your comfort depends on bathing. If you spare 15 minutes extra in the morning to take a bath everyday, it keeps you fresh all day long. It improves your productivity at work and lifts your mood too. Just imagine what a simple cold shower in the morning can do for you!

That is why it is absolutely important to take bath everyday, especially during the summers. During summers, a bath becomes all the more essential because the temperature rises. With the rising mercury levels our body temperature also rises. A cold shower is thus essential for cooling off extra body heat and curing summer diseases.

So if you don't take bath everyday, here are some concrete reasons why you should bathe.

Cools Body Heat :
Excess body heat is the cause of many health disorders. It cause diseases like chicken pox and nose bleeding in children. Among adults it can cause indigestion and heat strokes. When you bathe, you can let out the heat.

Get Rid Of Dirt:
The dirt and grim that accumulates on your body everyday due to pollution blocks your skin pores. Blocked pores do not allow your skin to breathe. It also leads to several skin infections like eczema. Bathing opens your pores and keeps infections at bay.

Stress Buster:
When we are stressed, our muscles cramps up and become tight. But bathing relaxes our muscles, and thus it is great stress buster.

Cures Depression :
When you are feeling really down in the dumps or are in a very bad mood, just take a steaming hot shower. It will wash away your depression. Bathing has a positive psychological effect on our mind.

Gives Burst Of Energy:
The best way to cure grogginess in the morning is to take a bath. Bathing gives you a burst of energy, especially if you have just got up from sleep.

Beauty Bath :
Taking a bath everyday is also very important for having beautiful skin and good hair. Until and unless all the dirt from your skin and scalp is removed, no amount of cosmetics will work for you.

Strengthens Immune System:
It has been proven by scientific research that cold showers help to increase the white blood cells in the body. Heat kills white blood cells. Thus bathing indirectly helps to improve your immunity.

Improves Blood Circulation:
Soaking yourself in a bathtub is the best way to improve your blood circulation. Soak yourself in warm and cold water alternatively. The fatigue you feel at the end of the day is due to bad blood circulation and a luxurious bath can easily cure it.

Regulates Blood Pressure:
Often, body heat raises your blood pressure suddenly. So if you are already prone to high blood pressure then never skip your bath.

Cures Minor Infections:
Small infections like cough and cold can be easily prevented by bathing regularly. We are constantly exposed to several micro-organisms that can be easily washed away with water.

Cures Sleep Problems:
Sometimes a warm shower is the best solution to sleep problems. If you find it difficult to sleep, then try bathing in warm water before going to bed because it relaxes you completely.

mproves Love Life And Fertility:
Bathing makes you feel good about yourself. This is the most important thing required for a healthy love life. Cold showers are also supposed to increase sperm count in men.

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