Friday 17 June 2016

Home Hair Remedies Homemade Hair Masks Recipe

Shampoos and conditioners make our hair clean and soft, but they do not provide nourishing and recovery. For this purposes we need hair masks. Hair masks feed hair with nourishing components, moisturize hair and add hair shine. Hair masks can cure scalp skin, calm it and moisturize. To feel the mask’s effect one should repeat it once or twice a week for couple of months. It is better to do masks by course of treatment, not a different mask every week.

How to apply a hair mask? Nearly every hair mask should be applied from the middle of the head (accept if you have oily scalp), because hair near the roots are new and healthy. If mask is supposed to solve scalp problem (for instance calming mask), then it should of course be applied to the scalp. Hang your head down and rub the mask to the hair, not touching the scalp. Before applying a mask, it is recommended to brush your hair, this way rubbing will be much easier and evenly.

You can buy a ready hair mask or mix it at home. You can use different oils as hair mask. One should apply it to hair after warming the oil to comfortable temperature before washing hair and leave it for one hour,then wash it off with a shampoo. You will make it even better by adding couple of oil drops into the ready mask. There is no need to use hair conditioner after such mask. What oil should you choose for which purposes?

Avocado oil contains vitamin A, variety of micro elements and fights with dryness of hair.

Castor oil prevents dandruff, adds shine and softness to hair. Perfectly repairs damaged hair.

Jojoba oil moisturizes and adds shine to hair.

Olive oil helps with split ends and hair loss.

Flax oil cures dry hair, damaged and dyed hair, restores hair structure.

Tea tree oil can be used to clean your hair brushes. Put hair brushes in water and add few drops of tea tree oil. Tee tree oil is a very good freshener and antiseptic. It will also help if your hair electrify.

Among home hair remedies most famous are dairy products – kefir and sour clotted milk. These products protect hair cuticle from breaking, protect from mechanical damaging of hair. Kefir is supposed to be applied on washed hair, then cover your head with something that will keep it warm and wait for 15-20 minutes.

Hair masks based on egg yolk is real godsend for every hair type. If you have normal or oily hair use only egg yolk, for dry hair mix egg yolk and one tablespoon of olive, burdock or castor oil. Apply mixture to hair roots and whole hair. After using homemade hair masks rinse hair with daisy broth (for light color hair) and nettle broth (for dark color hair).

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