Thursday 9 June 2016


►Olive Oil and Sugar
This is one of the easiest and most effective exfoliators which can be made in your own kitchen. Take 1/3 cups of extra virgin olive oil. Make sure that you invest in a good quality olive oil. In this olive oil, mix 2/3 cups of coarse granulated sugar. Put a few drops of lemon juice in this mixture. Mix well and apply it liberally all over your body in brisk circular movements.

Keep it on for ten to fifteen minutes and wash off properly with warm water. You can ideally follow this regime before bath. This exfoliator can be whipped up and stored in airtight jars for a span of six-seven days but the best way would be making it fresh and applying it immediately. Make sure you apply moisturizer after washing it off.

►Salt and Rose
Sea salt or coarse salt is an excellent exfoliating agent. Take half cup of coarse salt and mix two to three tablespoons of beauty oil of your choice. There are many oils available in the market, ranging from almond to jojoba to olive to sesame. The list is endless and so is the choice. Pick your favorite. To this mixture, add in a few drops of rose essential oil. Rose has anti-tanning properties and adding a rose flavored essential oil makes this scrub smell heavenly.

Mix well and scrub your body with this mixture in circular movements. The best thing you can do is soak yourself in a warm water tub for ten minutes before washing off the scrub. This way, the warm water opens up the pores and scrub goes deep inside to work its magic. If you apply this scrub twice or thrice a week, your skin will not only feel wonderful, you will notice the tan or sunburn fading away slowly.

►Baking Soda and Face Wash
This exfoliator or scrub is for your facial skin. Please note that the skin on the face is different from that of your body. Our facial skin is prone to break-outs and redness once it comes in contact with a harsh substance. Hence, do not apply the exfoliators meant for your body on your face.

A very easy to make face scrub for you facial skin is baking soda mixed with face wash. Make sure you use baking soda and not baking powder. The chemical make up for both is different. Baking powder is slightly more alkaline than baking powder. Add a pinch of baking powder in your liquid face wash and clean your face with this mixture. Scrub lightly and wash with cold water. You can carry out this process once a week to get smooth and clear skin. Baking powder is known to remove sun tan and blackheads.

►Brown Sugar Magic
Brown sugar is a very common ingredient for confectionaries and drinks. This wonderful ingredient can be used as an exfoliator too. It is slightly coarse than normal sugar which makes it a great exfoliator.

Take half a cup of brown sugar and mix in two tablespoons of almond oil. Mix well and add a handful of raw crushed oats. Now add any essential oil of your choice. Just add two to three drops of the essential oil in order to balance the aroma. Apply this mixture liberally on your body and let it dry a bit. Wash off and follow up with a good moisturizer.

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