Monday 6 June 2016

How to cut your Morning Beauty routine in half

Are you constantly hitting the snooze button? (That's me!)

We all need our beauty rest, and some require more than others. But just because we like to sleep in doesn't mean we should sacrifice our beauty. Fortunately, you can still look wonderful and get that extra ten minutes of sleep--without being late for work. I've mastered the "snooze button beauty routine" and now I'm ready to share my knowledge with you.

In all honesty, this is my typical morning routine. When I follow it completely I even have time to sit down for breakfast, as opposed to running out the door with two plain Eggo waffles in my hand.

The Snooze Button Beauty Routine

1. Wash your hair the night before. Make sure you blow dry your hair thoroughly, or else your hair could end up frizzy in the morning. Take a few extra minutes to give it an all over, even blow dry. I like to section my hair off and use a roll brush to give it some body. *Super Time Saving Tip: If you didn't get a chance to wash your hair the night before, you can always apply baby powder to your hair to take away the greasiness.

2. Pick out what you're going to wear ahead of time. Okay I'll admit I'm the worst at this. I cannot tell you how many times I've stood in my closet for ten minutes or more, just wondering what to wear. Sometimes, I'll have my outfit laid out and then completely change my mind. However, on my most successful mornings, I've already pre-planned the day's attire, slept on the decision and made necessary changes, and saved myself a lot of time.

3. Use hot rollers. Hot rollers save me about twenty minutes of my beauty routine. I pin my hair up in curlers and continue with my beauty routine while the curls set in. This is my favorite time saving tip. Not only does it add volume, but it makes you look like you spent more time on your hair than you actually did.

4. Apply tinted moisturizer. Use a tinted moisturizer for its two-in-one effect--a primer and foundation. This will buy you a few minutes that are definitely worth it.

5. Opt for colored lipstick. Like it or not, vibrant lips make you look more refreshed and awake. This is an easy fix if you had a late night or woke up late. People will actually think you spent more time getting ready just because you paid attention to the details with the right lip color. *Time Saver's Tip: Apply it on the way to work, like when you're letting your car warm up.

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