Wednesday 1 June 2016

Long And Healthy Eye Lashes At Home

1. Petroleum jelly applied on your lashes at night and left overnight, can make them grow faster. You can apply this petroleum jelly on your lashes 3-4 times a week.

2. Green tea mixed in hot water applied on your lashes can help your lashes to grow. Green tea also cools your eye.

3. Olive oil applied to your lashes also helps them to grow longer and stronger. Olive oil is a miracle for many!

4. Olive and castor oil mixed together and applied on your lashes promote eyelash growth too.

5. Soaking lemon peels for few days in olive or castor oil and applied to your lashes can also be applied to your lashes for growth.

6. Trim the tips of your lashes but not very frequently. Trimming stimulates the follicle of the lashes and makes them grow faster.

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