Thursday 16 June 2016

Orange beauty benefits

Fruits are known to have a lot of benefits for our skin. That is why nowadays fruit packs are preferred over any other cosmetic packs for a healthy and glowing skin. Many fruits can be used in various forms to benefit our skin. Orange is one such multi-talented fruit. Juice, pulp or skin, every part of this fruit can be used for a beautiful you!

Some benefits for you:

Orange, being rich in anti-oxidants helps firm and tone the skin. So you can very well understand how it prevents the appearance of wrinkles on your skin making you look younger for many years.
It keeps your skin feeling fresh and soothing on a hot summer day.
As orange is a citrus fruit, it also works on acne. The citric acid in the fruit acts as natural astringent and helps in drying away the pimples.
It detoxifies the skin making it look fresher and brighter.
Orange is a natural bleach to lighten your skin tone. Avoid the harsh chemical bleaches when you have such an inexpensive bleach!

How to use orange for your skin:

Apply orange juice on your face like a face wash. Rub it for a few seconds and rinse it off with cold water. It will clean up your skin pores and also close enlarged pores.
Another way is to dip a cotton ball in orange juice and dab it on your skin. Keep for 2-3 mins. Wash off and feel the glossiness and smoothness on your skin.
Cut half the orange and rub it on your skin. It will help your skin feel fresh in these hot summer days.
Now that you have used the pulp and the juice, left alone is the orange peel. Don’t dishearten it by throwing it away. It can be also of your help. How?

Keep away the orange peel to dry up in the sun. Then grind it in a powder. Now this powder can be mixed and matched with some homely ingredients and used very effectively on your skin. It can be used as a mask, scrub and even as a toner. Stay tuned to know more.

Lets start with mask. Mix equal amounts of orange peel powder and milk properly to form a smooth paste. Let it stand for an hour or two. Then apply it evenly all over your face and keep it for about half an hour. Rinse your face with cold water. Make sure not to rub your face as it may cause damage to your skin. This acts as a great bleach for your skin.
Now lets prepare a body scrub out of it. You may use the same mixture as above or mix it with a little water and rub your body with it. It will remove all the dead cells and give you an instant glow.

Now if you do not want to dry it and grind it (it takes time, right?), use it as a toner. Simply soak these peels in a bowl with boiling water. Keep it for a day. Then strain it and store the liquid in freezer. Use it as a toner as and when required to a cooling effect on your skin. It also firms your skin reducing wrinkles.
This magic liquid can also e used as a final hair rinse to get shiny hair. It also helps remove dandruff.

Ok, so that were a lot of uses orange can be put to. And yes, also eat oranges. Its an anti-aging fruit.

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