Thursday 16 June 2016

Remove Sunburn With Tea

As summer is around, the season to walk on the streets with scorching heat of the sun is evident. Sunburn is a common skin problem that people face during summers. While few people die to get the tanned skin, there are millions who want to protect their skin from the harmful UV rays.

Sunburn or suntan is a skin problem where the skin looks burned and turns red. It can take less than 15 minutes for a person to suffer from sunburn. There are many creams and sunscreen lotions that are available in the market. You can use them extensively but, nothing works best when we talk about home remedies. There are many home remedies to get rid of sunburn naturally. For example, yogurt, vinegar, tea and milk are commonly used to treat sun burned skin. You can get rid of sunburn completely by applying tea on the affected area. This hot beverage has tannic acid that soothes the sun burned skin. So, use tea bags or liquor to remove sunburn this summer. Here are ways to use tea for treating sunburn.

Steps to remove sunburn with tea:

Step 1: You can brew few tea bags in water. Let it cool in a refrigerator. Now, dip a towel in it and squeeze out excess liquor from the towel. Place it on the sunburned skin and leave for 30 minutes.

Step 2: If you have prepared tea with tea bags, you can use it to remove sunburn naturally. Do not throw the tea bags. Let it cool and then place the tea bags on the affected skin. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Step 3: Take a tea bath. Soak few tea bags in the bucket and leave for 20 minutes. The more you soak the tea bags, the more tannic acid will be released in the water. Now take bath with that water to treat sunburn naturally.

Step 4: Apply black tea liquor on the sun burned skin to treat it naturally. You can also use chamomile tea to soothe the burned skin.

Step 5: Mix tea bags with milk and then apply on the affected area. It is one of the natural ways to treat sunburn.

These are few natural and effective ways to use tea and treat sunburn during hot summer days. Do you know any other method to remove sunburn using tea or tea bags? Share with us.

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