Sunday 26 June 2016

Simple Ways To Lighten Upper Lip

Even after the painful threading your upper may look dark, not to worry, our skin lightening tips will help. Darkening of upper lip may happen due to many reasons such as exposure to sunlight, over use of cosmetics and unhealthy eating. Here are some simple home remedies or quick tips that will help you lighten and brighten the skin. Take a look.

Tips To Lighten A Dark Upper Lip:

1. Instant Remedy: Apply face bleach on the upper lip skin and wash after a few minutes. A concealer or a branded foundation can successfully hide the dark portion.

Home Remedies:

1. Massaging the area with lemon, honey or yogurt will naturally bleach skin and lighten up after successive applications.

2. Scrubbing face with apricot, almond paste or gram flour will remove all the dead skin and make the skin look clearer and brighter.

3. Applying beetroot juice or pomegranate juice will naturally add a rose tone to face and make it look even and fresh.

How To Prevent:

1. Avoid alcohol, caffiene and tobacco as they tan and discolour lips, teeth and the upper lip badly.

2. Apply a sunscreen lotion with SPF above 18. The shieldsthe skin from harmful rays of the sun.
3. Drink lots of water (at least 8 glasses everyday) for internal de-toxification. A toxin free body will lead clear and glowing face.

4. Avoid using darker lip colours that may smudge and affect upper lip. Prefer natural lip balms like ghee, shea butter to avoid dryness.

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