Tuesday 14 June 2016


Ear candling is commonly known as Hopi ear candling, acknowledging the fact that it was Hopi Indians of the USA who kept this ancient practice alive and reintroduced it to the modern world. Modern research has proven what the ancients instinctively knew – that it works on a physical, emotional and subtle energy level.

Ear-candling may assist with symptomatic relief of the following:

Sinus problems
Sore throat
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Will aid removal of excessive ear wax
May also help to relax and calm, relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety.

As a complementary therapy, ear-candling does not claim to cure any disorders. However, therapists who carry out this treatment all agree that one of its most marked effects on their clients is a feeling of total relaxation. When the body reaches this state, many positive health benefits result. The parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated, leading to lowered heart and respiratory rates and increased peristalsis in the digestive system. The state of relaxation produces positive healing chemicals in the body and is an antidote to the harmful chemicals produced when the body is under constant stress.

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