Sunday 9 August 2015

How to Make Turmeric Lotion at Home

Turmeric is a spice used primarily in Indian cooking but also has powerful medicinal attributes. The spice is a natural acne fighter and makes skin glow by evening out skin tones. Turmeric creams applied under the eyes can get rid of dark circles. Incorporating turmeric into a moisturizing lotion allows you to keep skin soft and glowing. The turmeric lotion should be applied daily for two to three weeks for the best results. Turmeric powder or turmeric paste can be used in a lotion recipe, though the powder may be easier to find at a local supermarket or health foods store.
Things You'll Need
3 tbsp. almond flour
1/8 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp. lemon juice
¼ cup plain yogurt
Small bowl

Add the yogurt and almond flour to a bowl and mix together.

Pour in the lemon juice and turmeric and stir thoroughly. The mixture needs to be fully mixed together.

Use immediately or keep covered and refrigerated until you are ready to use the lotion. The turmeric lotion can be used for up to one week.

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