Sunday 9 August 2015

What Age Should kids Wear Make-up ?

One of the dilemmas every parent faces when they have a daughter is determining what age is appropriate for them to wear makeup.

These days you have children as young as 7 are wearing perfume and makeup. Now there is no problem when it’s something like a body spritzer or even the lip glosses geared to children. However perfume and makeup should be reserved as a rite of passage for a young girl. The age of puberty correlates to this rite of passage. As a teen, your daughter in the biological sense has become a woman and is probably more concerned with smelling and looking good.

By letting a child wear perfume and makeup at young age, what do they have to look forward to in their teen years? What message are you sending them? That they need makeup to be attractive at 8 years old? An indication that this is too young an age is to look at the advertisements for makeup and perfume. They have adults promoting them; therefore their target market is more than likely the older teen to adults that they are gearing them to.

the ages of 5 to 13. Some of their kits include the spa kit which includes a cleanser, facial scrub, lotion and mask. Now there’s a reason . A child who has not hit puberty has perfect skin unless they suffer from a skin condition. A child’s skin DOES NOT need to be exfoliated. The cell turnover is at an optimum level. They do not need a facial mask because at 5-12 years old they do not have an excess production of oil, or fine lines that they are trying to minimize.

What we are doing by making these products readily available to girls at this young age is sending them the message that they need to be spending this amount of time on their appearance, instead of enjoying their childhood.

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