Wednesday 8 June 2016

Fenugreek Seeds For Hair

We often try to use simple and easy way to get glorious and divine beauty and we buy ready to use cosmetics, scrubbers masks for that and we imagine that we are going to get perfect skin within a day or two, and get nothing so today we are trying to use Fenugreek Seeds to solve our hair issues, Fenugreek Seeds is a really good home remedies that cannot only solve our hair issues, but it has some powers to solve all kind of beauty issues too so let’s see what are the ways to use it for hair.

so let’s try to use some natural things that are really cheap and simple to use and you don’t need to spend lots of money on that too and see if this can be the answer of our questions, so let’s see if Fenugreek Seeds can help our hair issues or not
Fenugreek seeds and leaves are very good herbs and they have some really strong biotic and strong helping properties that can help all kind of infections and issues, Asian homeopathic doctors use it for so many medication and they use it for skin and hair illnesses too and if you want to try them then here are the ways you can try these small beautiful fragrant seeds.

Hair loss: if you are losing your hair without any logical reason then it can be sometime about scalp or follicles, you can use fenugreek seeds to make your hair look good as it has some very magical effective in strengthening powers that not only help your hair to grow longer, but it will prevent the illogical hair fall too, it can be use in food or you can try to apply a thick mask of fenugreek seeds over your scalp too , you can make a thick past with water or with any essential oil and apply that in roots and try to scrub off dead cells and dandruff with that past, but be really very gentle and smooth.

If you want to use it then you can use these ways to apply fenugreek seeds,
Make a thick past of overnight soaked fenugreek seeds now apply good eatable coconut oil to hair and after that apply the paste on your scalp and massage bit, but you need to be very careful cause the skin of head is far delicate then skin of face and it is very easy to make some rashes with this smooth past so just be gentle and calm, you can leave it over your head for two hours and then wash it off and you can apply this method three times a week for healthy shiny strong hairs, you can soak it in coconut milk for better results.

2. Dandruff, second major issue of hair is dandruff, when you feel skin so dry and you get dryness flacks in your combs then you start losing all the confidence and all the beauty of your hair, I bet you start using all kind of anti dandruff shampoo and all kind of anti dandruff products, but when you feel that now it is time to stop using these anti dandruff product you see it coming back so it means it is not a perfect solution and you need something stronger and natural so try Fenugreek Seeds.

You can apply the same formula that we used to keep hear strong, but this time you need to soak them in almond oil and after that make a thick past of it and apply 4 times a week for beautiful and healthy scalp and when your scalp is healthy and strong you would never get dandruff.

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