Saturday 4 June 2016

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Dark circles under the eyes are referred as bags under the eyes. These dark circles below the eyes make us look ill and very tired. These dark circles are apparently clear and annoying as it cannot be covered up. Moreover, getting clear of dark circles beneath the eyes is a bane to many people. Before we proceed on some tips and steps on how to find remedies for dark circles in the eyes, let us know first what these dark circles under our eyes are and how they appear?

It is very general to have dark circles under the eyes. They can be treat with home remedies as well as medical treatment. Dark circles give a scary look, even in the trendiest get-up. You look big than your age. People guess that you are tired or something is wrong with you.

Causes of Dark Circles: -

• Dark Circles under eyes are normally due to a lack of sleep,

• Stress

• Dark circles can be due to genetic factors

• Depression

• Nasal congestion may cause dark under eye circles

• Dark circles can result due to the natural aging process.

• Chronic atopic eczema on skin may dark circles

• Dark circles under eyes may be due to aging which thins the skin around the eyes

• Eyelid swelling or eye puffiness can produce shadows creating light dark eye circles.

Home Remedies for Dark Circles: -

• Massage of eye is another way to achieve fast relief. Use almond oil for massaging for fast relief, which is a great home remedy for dark eye circle.

• Grate a cucumber, squeeze to take out its juice and refrigerate. Make a mixture of lemon juice, lanolin cream and cucumber juice and apply around the eye for 10-15 minutes.

• Dark circles can be removed by applying peeled and grated potato juice on the skin area and leave it overnight. Doing this continuously for three weeks helps.

• Take two cotton balls. Dip them into cucumber or potato juice and place them on the eyes. Mix lemon and tomato juice and apply it on the dark circles twice a day.

• Make a thick paste of turmeric, tomato juice, lentils (masoor dal) and lemon juice. Apply this paste around eyes and let it dry. Then wash with fresh water.

• Reduce your intake of vitamin A. Over dose of medications such as Retin A produces "excessive" vascularisation.

Tips for Dark Circles: -

• Sleep for sufficiently long hours to prevent formation of dark circles under eyes.

• Do not scratch the under eye skin.

• Concealing the dark circles around eyes through make up techniques.

• Lightly tap the under eye skin with one or two fingers to.

• Avoiding use of bleach or peels to make the dark circles around eyes light.

• Treat the cause of illness mentioned above.

• Diet, which is rich in nutrients helps to remove dark circles around eyes

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