Saturday 11 June 2016

Homemade Beauty Tips for Fairness:

Most of the times we look dark because of the tan than we have got for ourselves by going out in the sun. A good way to get rid of it is by applying a mixture of gram flour, lemon juice and yoghurt on the parts that remain exposed to the sun. Let it be on your skin for sometimes and then get a bath. You’ll look fresh and bright.
Cucumber is great for your skin. It reduces dark spots and helps you get rid of skin irritations. Mix lemon juice and cucumber juice and apply it on your face twice a day to get a great result. It will be very soothing and help you relax.
Turmeric can work wonders when it comes to giving your skin a healthy glow. Add a bit of milk and lemon juice to a spoon of turmeric powder and apply it on your face, neck, and arms. Your skin will get a glow never seen before. Follow this on a regular basis for better results.
A homemade mixture of milk, lemon juice, honey, and almond oil can work wonders for your skin. It makes your skin smooth and soft thus giving it a natural glow.

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