Sunday 5 June 2016

Mole Removals | Treatment for Moles

Home Remedies for Mole Removal:

☻ Prepare a mixture containing ground flaxseed, a drop of flaxseed oil and honey and apply the paste on your moles.

☻ Apply fresh pineapple juice onto the mole and leave it overnight. Wash it off the next morning. Alternatively you can put a small slice of pineapple onto the mole, and wrap it around with a simple bandage to keep it in place. The mole is said to vanish after few applications.

☻ To reduce the pigmentation of the moles, massage them with tea tree oil daily for about 2 weeks.

☻ Get some iodine tincture from drugstore and apply it onto your mole for 2 to 3 days consecutively. Use it before you go to sleep and leave it overnight to allow it soak into the mole. You will see your mole to be totally gone after 3 days.

☻ Onion juice is also very effective in making the moles grow dimmer.

☻ Apply a paste containing castor oil and a pinch of baking soda to your moles daily.

☻ Put the banana pulp on the moles daily for several months.

☻ If you apply the juice of cauliflower over your moles daily, then you will notice that the moles will fall automatically within a few days.

☻Try to go for the foods rich in potassium or take apple cider vinegar that is rich in potassium. This will cure your moles permanently.

☻ Squeeze out the milky juice from the stems of a fig tree and apply on top of the moles.

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