Thursday 9 June 2016

Quick Makeup Tips for Busy Moms

Your hectic lifestyle as a full time mom prevents you from wearing makeup? Check out some quick makeup tips for busy moms for an impeccable look in five minutes.
Mornings are one of the busiest times of the day for moms. Between making sure your kids are suitably dressed for kindergarten or school and preparing breakfast for both your children and your husband, you find yourself having almost no time for putting on makeup.

Fortunately, there are several quick makeup tips for busy moms that will allow you to be ready to leave the house in five minutes. Try the busy mom makeup guide.

Prepare Your Face for a Quick Morning Makeup Routine

One of the biggest secrets of a successful makeup for moms is the ritual you put into practice at the end of the previous day. In other words, it is highly important for a busy mom to prepare her face at night before going to bed for the next morning makeup routine.

Take some time every evening to clean your face thoroughly by applying toner and then a suitable night cream. The following day, all you will have to do is to make sure you observe some of the most efficient makeup tips for busy moms.

Apply a Suitable Foundation
In the morning, after applying your regular day cream, use a foundation that will smooth your skin. For a quick makeup routine, make sure you apply foundation only to the areas of your face you feel like "hiding": the dark circles under your eyes, the reddish spots on your forehead, across the nose.

These quick makeup tips for busy moms will help you even out your skin tone in no time. If you need to take a step further and remove the problem of puffy eyes as well, you can always make use of tea bags or use eye drops.

Don't Forget About the Eyelashes
In under a minute, you can make your look even more sophisticated by using an eyelash curler that will make your eyes seem bigger and remove the "sleepy" appearance. Observe some more makeup tips for busy moms by applying mascara to separate and darken your eyelashes, but remember to always follow these steps in this particular order (never use a curler after applying mascara).

Use Blush for a Glowing Face
Other quick makeup tips for busy moms involve the use of blush or of bronzer. Apply a tiny amount of blush or bronzer at the top of your cheekbones. The result? A beautiful, glowing skin!

Plump Up Your Lips
Don't forget about one of the most important makeup tips for busy moms: the use of lip gloss or lipstick. Apply any of these makeup products with a lip brush in order to make it last for a whole lot longer.

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