Thursday, 29 October 2015

Important Tips to Get Soft, Beautiful Skin in Three Day

It is easy to get your skin care well when you’re with busy schedule.

Exfoliating Scrub and Clay Mask :-

The best way is first we have to remove the old, dull layer of skin cells. Once we have to wash your face as normal and apply exfoliating scrub. Then make sure that your scrub does not contain crushed fruit pits or nutshells. Then later we recommends using a mix of sugar or corn meal with honey. Apply and rinse off with warm water after 10 min. Follow up with a clay mask for 10 minutes. Rinse off clay with cool water. Gently pat skin dry with a clean, dry towel.

Tone and Moisturize:-

Apply your normal toner followed by moisturizing lotion. Massage into skin gently. Don’t forget your neck an area often overlooked in daily beauty regimes and make sure you’re using the right moisturizer. “Make sure your nighttime hydrating lotion is not with an SPF,” These daytime lotions are not made to be specifically hydrating or softening.

Blemish Treatment:-

Freeze out any new breakouts. Apply ice to blemish area for 2 to 3 minutes. Gently pat dry area with a clean towel and gently apply an acne treatment such as Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. Finish off with a smudge of clay mask on top of the blemish. Leave the clay mask on the blemish area over night while you indulge in your much-needed beauty sleep (this will help dry out the pimple). Wash off the spot of clay mask in the morning with cool water.

No-Makeup Workout:-

When hitting the gym, be sure to wash off your makeup before getting your sweat-on. Removing makeup before working out will prevent makeup and dirt on the surface of your skin from seeping in and clogging your pores.


The old adage, “You are what you eat,” is perhaps no truer than when it comes to your skin. Pair a little clean eating with the regime for added skin and body benefits.

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