Thursday 29 October 2015

Naturally Healthy Skin Care tips.

The Important one is to protect your skin from acne, dry, oily or aging skin the one thing you should do for clear healthy Skin. Your skin reflection of what is happening on the Inside and refection of overall your health and nutrition.

Here Some Important tips we share here……

1. Diet Matters:

Eating a diet rich in unprocessed, whole foods will guarantee that your body gets all the nutrients and minerals necessary for beautiful skin. Concentrating on seasonal, fresh fruits and vegetables as well as clean, good quality meats and eggs from grass fed and pastured sources is key to success for health skin.

Vitamin C plays a vital role in the synthesis of collagen, which makes up 70% of skin.

Vitamin A helps to rebuild tissue and to smooth out rough skin.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which helps to reduce free radicals in your body. Free radicals are the primary cause of aging in skin.

Zinc has been shown in studies to significantly improve acne and wound healing.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, to reduce the occurrence of acne and psoriasis, and to promote smoother, younger-looking skin

2. Oil Cleansing:

What I recommend for clean, beautiful, healthy skin is to cleanse with oil. Yes, oil! I’ve been doing this for a couple of months now and cannot tell you how soft and smooth my skin feels. This method is recommended for all skin types, even oily skin. The basic idea is that oil dissolves oil. You are cleaning and balancing your skin in a way that leaves it nourished and supported instead of stripped and depleted. And don’t worry, oil cleansing WILL NOT create more acne or blemishes

3. Use face oils:

Oils are what the skin needs to stay healthy and balanced. Most commercial face creams are loaded with waxes, water, and chemicals that have nothing to to with radiant, glowing skin. There are actually very few oils in facial creams. And they can create a layer of build up on your skin that interferes with your skin’s natural regeneration cycle.

And for dry, maturing skin like mine, I recommend using richer oils and essential oils specific for skin repair and regeneration. I currently use a blend of jojoba oil and olive oil mixed with rose hip seed oil, geranium, and carrot seed oil

4. Exfoliate:

Exfoliating is a process where you gently scrub your skin to remove dead skin cells to reveal healthy, glowing skin. It’s the dead skin cells that give skin that dull lifeless appearance. It is recommended to exfoliate one to three times a week. Please remember to be gentle. Being rough can goes more harm than good. And you can make all natural exfoliants at home without spending tons of money.

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