Thursday 16 June 2016

Workout Mistakes Women Must Avoid

Many women would like to keep their body in good shape, hence they take up regular fitness regime and workout to stay fit and healthy. Due to improper information about working out, many women tend to do many common mistakes. At the same time, with the vast amount of information available online, women try to workout at home are liable to do mistakes as it could be confusing to know when and how to exercise in a right way.

As a women, you need to realise that these mistakes will not only prevent you from getting a good and effective workout but they can also lead to increased pain, risk injury, and cause undue stress. If you are guilty of making these mistakes, learn how to change your behaviour and minimise the risks.

On this Women's Day we bring you some of the common mistakes that you need to avoid to get into a proper shape:

Repeating the same type of exercise everyday: It is recommended for you to engage in 20-30 minutes of exercise each day. However, make sure you avoid doing the same type of exercise on everyday basis. When you work the same muscle groups every day it can lead to over training and muscle imbalances. Each muscle group needs adequate rest and recovery days in order to operate efficiently.

Escaping the warm-up: Due to time constraint many of us want to hurry in finishing a workout and this makes you jumping right into exercising without doing a proper warm-up. This should be completely avoided. Warm-up session gets your blood warmed and circulated through the body. Missing it will lead to greater chance of risking muscle injury. When you are short of time, try shortening the main workout instead of the warm-up.

Begin with stretches: Make sure that you do a little workout before performing any initial exercise to get the blood flowing. Stretching is a very simple and basic exercise, hence you can avoid injury by warming up your muscles first, then stretching them

Gym workout on empty stomach: Working out at gym with empty stomach is a very risky factor. Your body breaks down food and uses it as fuel to complete small daily tasks and large tasks like exercising. Make sure you eat healthy and give 30 minutes to digest before you start working out. Ensure that the food you eat contains carbohydrates and a bit of proteins.

Get a new pair of shoes: Many women do a mistake of using an old pair of shoes for workouts, which is wrong. You need to realise that your body needs a certain amount of support and shock absorption when you are exercising. Working out in worn-out shoes does not give you this support and can lead to leg, back and knee pain. Hence, replace the old shoes once you begin to feel uncomfortable.

These are some of the mistakes women should avoid and alter their exercising programs positively. So, start this resolution from this Women's Day and get better results with your workout.

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