Saturday 22 August 2015

How to train your baby Bird

A bird is one of the cleverest animals you can choose as a companion pet. That being the case, you want to make sure that your bird knows who is in charge (that would be you), and knows how to behave respectably in social situations. Most parrots can never be fully domesticated, always retaining a bit of their wild side. But with consistency and patience, you and your bird can happily coexist in the same "nest."

Keep in mind, too, that some birds have very long lifespans, so the lessons you teach now will make the difference between living with a pleasant, semi-domesticated animal and an unapproachable, unruly flying menace. Here are 10 training tips to get you started:

1. Be prepared
Before you begin any training routine, equip yourself with the proper tools:

Treats, such as nuts or fruits, that are not part of your bird’s regular meals
A sturdy perch or dowel that you can hold in your hand
A small, light colored towel
A small sized stick or dowel
Bitter apple spray for deterring your bird from biting and chewing inappropriate objects (e.g., window blinds, furniture)
Bird harness/leash (choose the size according to your type of bird)
Pet carrier or travel cage (for when you need to travel)

2. Be realistic
Just like you, your bird is an individual with its own personality and preferences. Some commands will take longer to teach than others, and there may be tricks that your bird will just refuse to do, no matter how good the offered treat is. And just as there are moments in the day where your mind is sharp, your bird will have moments when it is more receptive to learning and being handled.

Pay attention to your bird's cues and learn to recognize them. Your bird will feel safer and more trusting when it knows it has no need to feel anxious. Keep the training sessions short and consistent. Ten to fifteen minute sessions spaced out two or three times a day should be enough.

3. Handling your bird
It is best to begin with the basics. Get it comfortable being touched and held. Always stand above the bird, never below, so that you remain in the master position. Place your finger against your bird’s lower breast, just above its feet, and encourage the bird to step onto your finger, with the commands "up" or "step up." If it obeys, reward it with words, such as "good bird" or something similar. Be careful not to hold the bird too low or it may try to gain higher ground by climbing up your arm, but don’t the hold the bird too high, either. The proper level is about chest high.

During the sessions, repeat the stepping up motions and verbal commands by having your bird "ladder" with your hands. Using your free hand, place your finger against your bird’s lower breast, above its feet, and say, "step up." Do this several times, as each hand becomes free, staying aware of your bird’s interest and ending the session before the bird bores with it. As you are holding the bird, use one of your fingers to lightly stroke and lift its toes. This will accustom the bird to having its toes touched, making later toe clippings easier.

To train your bird to step back down onto its perch, practice the same motions in reverse. Do not place your bird in the cage or on the perch backwards, but turn the bird so that it is facing its perch, and hold it just below the perch so that it has to step up onto the perch, thought you will be using the words "down," or "step down" this time. When the bird follows this request, make sure to tell it that it is a "good bird." You may also follow-up with a small treat after successful training sessions.

If your bird is going to grow into a large parrot, however, do not allow it to sit on your shoulder. This will enforce a bad habit that will certainly lead to a later injury. Birds, no matter how well trained, will bite when they get spooked, and you never want a spooked bird to be in the vicinity of your face. Small birds tend to have smaller and less injurious bites, but still keep this in mind.

4. Giving treats
Treats should not be given indiscriminately; they should be reserved for when the bird is doing something that is to be encouraged. While it is still young, begin to give your bird handheld treats after it has climbed onto your hand or followed a command. Just be careful of how you hold it.

The treat should be held with the tips of your fingers facing out to the sides rather than from top and bottom. This is to protect your fingers from accidental bites, because the bird may mistake your fingernail for a nut and bite into it. You can also hold the treat on your open fingertips.

5. Towel Training
Getting your bird accustomed to a towel is essential, since you will be using towels for various situations, such as for grooming, giving medication, or handling an injury. You will want to include towel training in your regular training sessions.

Using a small white or light colored hand towel (bright colors may alarm your bird), allow your bird to step onto the towel, perhaps to eat a small treat that has been laid on the towel. Once the bird is accustomed to the towel, take the towel and wrap the bird from behind, taking special care not to press against the bird’s chest with the towel or your hands. (Birds need to be unrestricted at the chest, or they can easily suffocate.) Hold the bird’s sides only, so that it cannot squirm out of your grasp, and using your other hand, place your middle finger and thumb on each side of its neck, with your index finger resting on top of the head to keep its head still.

6. Discourage biting and aggression
Be mindful that birds often use their beaks to balance, placing their beaks on the object they are about to step on. Do not jump back expecting to be bitten or your bird may become nervous about stepping onto your hand. Birds also like to taste things, including your skin, so you may find it appearing to nibble on you, but it is really just touching its tongue to your skin. You will know the difference.

Additionally, biting should always be discouraged. But rather than screaming or punishing the bird, try to remain calm, and in the master position at all times. Timeouts are not effective, either, as you may unintentionally train your bird to bite when it simply wants to be left alone. Instead, firmly say "no," place your hand, palm out, in front of its face and use a stop gesture.

On the other hand, if your bird is behaving aggressively -- flapping its wings, screaming, or raising itself high (to make itself appear big and scary) -- do not ignore it or stand down, but stay close and use calm words until it has settled down. You should also never try to hold the bird when it is overexcited.

If your bird does get you in a bite hold, try a puff of air to make it let go, and repeat the discouraging words. Needless to say, there will be no treat after a biting session.

To prevent your bird from biting and chewing on furniture or window blinds and coverings, you can use a veterinary approved deterrent called bitter apple spray. Spray this on the objects that you want your bird to keep its beak off of.

7. Use a biting stick
Teaching your bird early what is appropriate to bite and also giving it plenty to chew on can help to keep its beak busy. You can use a wooden chopstick or similar small stick, placing it with the bird’s reach. When it does bite the stick, praise it for doing so. The bird will quickly catch on that biting a stick is a good thing.

8. Screaming
There is really no simple way to discourage screaming. It is what birds do, especially large birds. Having a cage cover or small blanket handy to cover the cage can often settle the bird down. Music can also be a good distraction for a screaming bird. But never go to your bird when it screams, or it will learn that this is an effective way to get your attention.

9. Going outside and travel
Birds like to go outside, too, for obvious reasons, but even clipped wings are not the best protection. It is possible to train a bird to go out on a leash, but this must begin early. Using a size appropriate harness, place the harness on the bird. Immediately after a successful harnessing and trip outside, give your bird a treat. That way, your bird will look forward to your trips.

Because most birds can learn simple commands, over time you will be able to get your bird ready for an outside trip by saying, "do you want to go out?" The bird may even assist you in getting its harness on. For longer trips, meanwhile, a small cage that your bird can see out of easily is best.

10. "Polly want a cracker?"
One of the coolest things about having a parrot is teaching it to "talk" (see the top 10 talking birds). Your bird’s ability to speak will depend on a number of things: how early you begin, the frequency of speech training, and your individual bird’s capacity or temperament. Otherwise, the process is pretty simple: repetition, repetition, repetition. If you want your bird to repeat a phrase or a song, say it or play it over and over again. Still, that is no guarantee that your bird will repeat the words you wish it to.

A word of caution on speaking: your bird may choose to repeat words that are not desirable in mixed company. Take care not to use foul language around a talking bird. Also, keep in mind that emotional language is especially appealing to birds. You may find that your bird laughs along with you, cries with you, coughs and sneezes with you, and … it will also use words from arguments it has heard and movies it has seen. While this can be quite amusing, your pastor or grandmother might not agree.

Friday 21 August 2015

How To Make Pizza Dough

3.75 Cups Flour
2 tbsp Yeast
1tsp Salt
1 tbsp honey
1/2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 1/2 Cup Warm Water

divide dough into 2 round pieces cover them and put into a warm place for about 1 1/2 hours or until doubled in size

Add what you would like on your Pizza

Set oven to 400f bake for 20 mins

Hope you have fun making Pizza.

How to bake Chocolate Chip Cookies

Set oven to 300f/150c

1 Cup Margarine
1 Cup White Sugar
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Egg
Pinch of Salt
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 1/2 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips

Cook for 7-8 mins our until Golding Brown.

How to make Peanut Butter Cookies

Set Oven to 375f

1/2 Cup White Sugar
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Butter
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
1 Egg
1 1/4 Cup Flour
3/4 tsp baking Soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp Salt

Bake for 9-10 mins our until light brown

Hope you have fun baking Peanut Butter Cookies.

How to Make Holmade Bread Dough


6 to 6-1/2 Cups all-purpose or Bread Flour
3 tbsp White Sugar
2 Packages Dry Yeast
2 tsp salt
1-1/2 Cups Water
1/2 Cup Milk
2 Tbsp Butter

Let dough rise ror 30-60 mins our until doudled in size

Greses you bread pans be for you put the dough
Make 3 good size balls into each bread pan.

Bake until golding brown

Hope you have fun baking Holmade bread.

How to make Chocolate Cake With Chocolate Frosting

Set oven to 350f

1 1/2 Cups all- purpose Flour
1 Cup White Sugar
1/4 Cup Cocoa Powder
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/3 Cup Melted Butter
1 Cup Warm Water
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
1 tsp Vanilla extract

Chocolate Frosting

6 ounces semi- sweet chocolate chopped
3/4 cup heavy Cream 35% butterfat
1 tbsp butter room temperature

Bae for 35 mins or until the cake springs back

Hope you have fun Baking Chocolate Cake with Chocolate frosting

Canna-banana Smoothie


2 cups almond milk

⅓ cup low-fat yogurt, vanilla or honey flavored

¼ cup peanut butter

2-4 tablespoons honey

2 tablespoons canna-coconut oil

¼ cup oatmeal

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 bananas, peeled and sliced

Honey drizzle, optional


1. In a blender combine all the ingredients, with the exception of the optional honey drizzle, starting with the liquids. Blend until smooth.

2. Pour the magic into a couple of glasses. If you want that extra hit of sweetness, give it a drizzle with a bit of honey.

How To Make a Strawberry Milkshake

What You Need

1/2 pound fresh strawberries, plus more to garnish
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 to 1 cup whole milk
1 tablespoon malted milk powder OR regular powdered milk (optional)
1 pint strawberry ice cream



1. Gather your ingredients. Make sure you are using excellent strawberry ice cream. No fake flavors! No dye! If you have it, pull out some powdered milk or malted milk.

2. Hull the strawberries and slice them. Sprinkle the sugar over them and stir in the vanilla. Put the strawberries in the freezer for about an hour.

3. Put two pint glasses (or four smaller glasses) in the freezer to chill.

4. When the strawberries have frozen solid, pull them out and put them in the blender with 3/4 cup milk. (Make sure you scrape in all the syrupy juice that has accumulated at the bottom of the bowl.) Blend until the strawberries are pulverized. There should be no big chunks left at all.

5. Add the malted milk powder and blend. (Note: The malted milk powder gives just a bit of extra depth and a hint of malty flavor without turning the shake into a true malt. If you opt to use regular powdered milk this also will just add a bit of richness and creaminess. But the powders are not necessary.)

6. Take the blender jar off the motor, and add the entire pint of ice cream. Stir it into the milk and strawberries by hand. Put the jar back on the motor and blend thoroughly. If it won't blend very well or gets stuck, carefully add as much as 1/4 cup more milk. Stir or shake if necessary.

7. Pour the milkshake out into the chilled glasses and garnish with strawberries. Slurp immediately!

Additional Notes: 
• This makes 2 large or 4 small milkshakes (about 32 ounces).

Spinach Apple Carrot Juice: Detoxifying Juice Recipe

This juicing recipe is a sweet tasting, satisfying drink that cleanses the body and provides many essential vitamins and minerals in a quick and easy form.

Spinach is high in B Vitamins, as well as Vitamin A, C, and K. The Spinach Apple Carrot combo is also high in calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. The fruit and veggie combo in liquid form makes this a detoxifying recipe that provides a good midday energy boost that tastes great.

4-5 Carrots
2 Apples
2 Cups Spinach

Wash all of the fruits and vegetables thoroughly, being careful to remove all dirt from the carrots and spinach. Cut the ends off of the carrots and throw away (you can peel the carrots if you like but leaving the skins on provides the most nutritional benefit). Cut the veggies into a size that is suitable for your juicer and start juicing. Drink right away to get the most from this nutritious, detoxifying juice.

Makes one large glass.

Juicing fresh vegetables is one of the best things that you can do for your body, especially in conjunction with regular exercise. When you drink fresh vegetables, you deliver all of the nutrients of those veggies to your system in a form that is easily and readily processed by your body.

Look under the Smoothie and Juicing Recipes tab for more fun fruit and veggie combos that will boost your energy levels and improve your health.

Drinking your veggies can also be a fantastic ally for anyone trying to lose weight. Aside from being unbeatably nutritious, vegetable juice is surprisingly filling. Vegetable juice can easily serve as a filling snack, or even as a meal replacement drink for some of the smaller meals of the day (i.e. breakfast or lunch). Many people have even seen weight loss success by drinking a small glass before they sit down to eat dinner; it takes the edge off of hunger and makes it much easier to eat to satiety without eating too many calories.

Mellow Mater Juice Recipe

This Mellow Mater Juice Recipe is an extremely lite juice that is great for a thirst quencher. It’s packed with ‘maters, basil, parsley, lemon, celery, carrot, romaine lettuce, and cucumber. It all ties together with a pleasant but very mild taste. It has a slight tomato aftertaste with a hint of romaine and basil at the end. This recipe is lite and great for those of you who enjoy tomatoes. It’s almost like a watered down V8 juice.
I also made another one and added some hot sauce as recommended by JnConstitution.  That variation turned out to be really flavorful. I think I will try this a few more times with the addition of different hot sauces to amp it up as I really enjoyed the spiced up version of this. So enough of my chatter, time for the recipe since that’s why your hear right?

Mellow Mater Juice Recipe

Mellow Mater Juice Recipe
Mellow Mater Juice Recipe
2 Tomatoes (Med)
1 Large Handful of Basil
1 large Handful of Parsley
4 Stalks of Celery
2 Carrots
2 Romaine Leaves
1 Cucumber
¼ Lemon (Peeled)

So there’s the Mellow Mater Juice Recipe. There are a lot of options for substitutions and variations here. The Basil could be replaced by Spinach or Kale if you wanted to. It would change it up a bit but if you’re not fond of Basil those are good options. The Parsley would best be replaced by some fresh Cilantro to give it less of an Italian taste and more of a Mexican salsa flavor. Some other good substitutions would be to replace the Lemon with Lime, the Carrots with Beets, the Romaine with Cabbage, or the Cucumber with either Squash or Zucchini.
Experiment with these options and let us know what you did and how it turned out by posting a comment below. I’m looking forward to hearing different variations of this and trying them out myself. Happy juicing, and make sure you clean your produce really good before juicing.

Summer Juice Recipes

I tried a few summer juice recipes but the one that stuck out the most to me was a simple juice that was frozen and turned into a Popsicle. It definitely had some outstanding taste but most importantly it was healthy and all juice. It was more like a fancy treat than a juice but I thought it would be perfect for summer time when it’s hot out. This idea has a lot of potential meaning you can flavor it how you like and even my kids love it! All you’ll need is a popsicle mold, your juicer, and some fruits and veggies to get started enjoying these tasty and delicious frozen summer juice recipes. I got my popsicle mold from Amazon.

Frozen Summer Juice Recipes

When making your popsicle it’s best to use just a few ingredients so it’s easy to freeze and it doesn’t separate. I found for these summer juice recipes I liked to use Strawberry, Orange, and either Apple, Plum, Raspberry, Cucumber or Carrot. Just use 1 part of each and put them through the juicer like you would normally do. After you juice them pour them into your popsicle molds and then put them in the freezer. They will freeze and within hours you will have ready-made delicious Popsicle
for your enjoyment.

Summer Juice Popsicles

These popsicles are great for when you want a sweet treat and something that is all juice but in frozen form. It kind of tricks your mind into thinking you are eating something but in all actuality it’s all 100% juice so it won’t interfere with your juice fast. Try to come up with a few of your own summer juice recipes that involve freezing. I’ll provide a few recipes below to get you started.
1 part Strawberry
1 part Orange
1 part Cucumber
1 part Strawberry
1 part Apple
1 part Orange
1 part Orange
½ part Carrot
½ part Mango

Summer Juice Recipes

I hope you try out a few of these recipes and also experiment with your own frozen juice recipes. The best part of this was experimenting with different fruits and veggies to see what kind of frozen treats they made. While these are mostly fruit treats I tried to add some veggies into each of them so they weren’t too fruity. But hey, after all these are meant as a delicious treat to add into your daily juicing routine so have at it and try different combinations.
Sometimes you’ll find that the fruits/veggies will separate during the freezing process. There are a few things you can do to stop this from happening. Make sure you stir really well before you pour the juice into the popsicle mold. The other alternative is to put the juice in a blender and blend it for about 20 seconds prior to pouring it into the mold. This will help stop or slow the separation process of your popsicles.
I hope you try this out and comment on what you made and how it tasted. I’m anxious to see what you come up with so I can test it out. Enjoy the frozen summer juice recipes and let me know if you have any questions.

Tornado Juice Recipe

The Tornado Juice Recipe packs such a great flavor that it will blow you away! It’s like a tornado of flavors in your mouth. I have been drinking this for lunch and it’s now my go to lunch drink. It’s a bold yet refreshing juice that doesn’t taste too sweet, too sour, or too bland. The juice consists of orange, apple, lemon, ginger, carrot, spinach, celery, cherry tomatoes, and cucumber. It’s perfect if you’re craving something that tastes like its fresh from the garden but not overwhelming with the fruits. As a matter of fact, you don’t get much fruit taste at all. Everything goes together very well to give it a whirling balance of flavors that all meld together really well.

Tornado Juice Recipe Ingredients
Tornado Juice Recipe
1 Orange
1 Apple
¼ Lemon (peeled)
1 Inch of Fresh Ginger Root
1 Carrot of normal size
1 Big Handful of Spinach
2 Celery Stalks
1 Handful or Cup of Cherry Tomatoes
1 Full Size Cucumber

Juice these up and enjoy it plain, heated up like a soup, or even over ice. Either way, it’s a great juice that provides plenty of fresh vitamins, nutrients, and minerals to keep you going throughout your busy day. I tend to drink the Tornado Juice Recipe plain or warm on most days. Add some pepper or some of your favorite hot sauce to give it a real kick.
If you’re not fond of some of the ingredients I’ve come up with a few substitutions that might work out better for you. The cucumber can be replaced with either Romaine Lettuce or a Zucchini. Oranges and Apples can be replaced with other fruits such as Plums or Pears and it will still provide a good flavor. Alternatively you can use 2 oranges or 2 apples if you want to. Spinach can be easily replaced with Kale or Romaine Lettuce and you’ll still get your protein. The main ingredient in here is the Cherry Tomatoes but I’m sure you could replace those with another kind of Tomato if you want to.
I hope you enjoy the Tornado Juice Recipe and comment if you did. Also, comment if you tried any of the substitutions and enjoyed them! If you think it really blows, also let me know

Strawberry Shine Juice Recipe

This is my Strawberry Shine Juice Recipe. It has a tangy taste but also has a bit of saltiness from the celery. This is a great drink for in the morning before you begin your day. The strawberries give it a refreshing tangy taste while the celery helps to calm some of the more fruity flavors. This is a perfect drink if your not into fruits and want all of the fruit nutrients, but don’t want to have a fruit drink that tastes super sweet and fruity. This juice drink consists of Celery, Strawberries, Carrot, Apples, Cucumber, Grapes and Fresh Ginger Root. I garnished this with fresh Cucumber slices and a Strawberry. The color is a bright pink even though the picture looks more orange and brown. Enjoy this over ice if you like your morning drinks chilled and cold.

Strawberry Shine Juice Recipe Ingredients
Strawberry Shine Juice Recipe
3 Celery Stalks
5 Large Strawberries
1 Carrot
2 Granny Smith Apples
1 Cucumber
1-2 Cups of Grapes
2″ of Fresh Ginger Root

Remember to core all of your apples as you don’t want to juice the seeds or stems. Make sure to slice off the ends of the celery, carrot, strawberries, and cucumber. You have a few options with this recipe as far as taste goes. If you want something a little more sweeter then just use 1 – 2 Celery Stalks instead of 3. You can also increase the amount of Strawberries or Grapes to give it a more fruitier taste. As far as substitutions here is what I have for you:
Replace Apples with Oranges
Replace Grapes with Blueberries
Replace Cucumber with Butternut Squash
Always make sure to clean your produce before you juice. This helps to wash away chemicals, pesticides and bacteria from your fruits and vegetables. If you buy organic you should still wash your produce before you juice. I hope you enjoy this recipe! If you do, please take the time to reply to this recipe with your feedback. Happy Juicing!

Purple Power Juice Recipe

This is the Purple Power Juice Recipe! It is great for a quick lunch and a filling dinner. It’s loaded with nutrients and has a great flavor too. This is a variation of the Sunrise Surprise Juice Recipe that I enjoy for dinner most nights. This juice not only looks amazing but it tastes wonderful! The juice consists of celery, spinach, lemon, carrot, cucumber, apple, red cabbage, beet, and ginger root. It’s very filling due to the variety of nutrients it contains and ingredients used. The color is a bright refreshing purple that almost resembles a darker wine. This is a fantastic juice to finish off your day before you relax for the night. I like to sip it while finishing up my work on the computer or watching some Breaking Bad and Walking Dead. Enjoy!

Purple Power Juice Recipe Ingredients
Purple Power Juice Recipe
2 Celery Stalks
1/2 Carrot
1 Cucumber
1 Handful of Spinach
1/2 Lemon Peeled
1 Beet Sliced
1 Granny Smith Apple
1/4 Head of Red Cabbage
1″ of Fresh Ginger Root

Make sure to clean and rinse all of your fruits and vegetables before prepping and juicing. This not only helps to clean it but it removes wax from the cucumber, pesticides from produce, and even bacteria. If you don’t buy organic, you might want to consider it because of the lack of chemicals used and the better flavor organic produce provides. Make sure to core out your apples, cut the tips of the beet, celery, carrot, and cucumber. Here are some substitutions you might want to try for this recipe. You can replace the Spinach with Kale, the Cucumber with Zucchini, the Apple with an Orange, or the Lemon with a Lime. If you try this recipe and enjoy it, please comment and let me know! I am also interested to hear of any variations of this recipe that you tried and enjoyed! Now go juice!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Homemade Oil for Premature Graying of Hair

Sometimes, scalp hair grays before time. This can be because of several reasons: tension, disease, cheap hair color, etc., but the most common reason is sinus. To get rid of sinus, you need to make a drink and an oil to stop your hair from graying.

To make the oil:


Tara Mira oil or desi egg oil – 1/2 kg
Black Stone (Kala pathar ) – 10g
Crushed almond – handful
Fenugreek seeds – handful
Licorice – 1 pinch

In a pan, add oil, kala pathar (Black Stone), almond, fenugreek seeds and licorice and cook well. Pour in a bottle and keep in the sun for 3-4 days. Massage your hair every day with this oil. Rinse your hair with homemade shampoo. Also take 1 Omega 3 Fatty Acid capsule every day. With this treatment, your premature grey hair will fall out and the new hair that grows, will be in your natural hair color.

To make the drink:


Curry leaves – 2-3
Dry grapes – 2
Carom seeds – 1 pinch
Sugar candy – to taste

Take 1 cup of water, and add curry leaves, dry grapes, carom seeds and cook. Add sugar candy to taste. Drink 1 glass a day. With this drink, your flu, sinus, mucus, etc, will be gone.

Homemade Masks for Large Pores

Homemade masks for large pores are easy to make and easy to use. Often, the ingredients for homemade masks can be found in your refrigerator or pantry. If you have large pores due to heredity, there are masks you can make with common ingredients to significantly reduce the size and look of your enlarged pores. Along with diminishing the look of large pores, these masks help to reduce the oily feel to your skin and leave it feeling refreshed and revived

Make a mask for large pores by combining 1 tsp. oatmeal powder with 1 tsp. lime juice. Add enough water to make a soft paste. Massage the paste gently onto your face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Beat together one egg and 1 tsp. orange peel powder. Massage gently onto the face and let it dry for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Mix 1 tsp. ground almond meal with enough water to form a paste. Apply it to your face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and follow up with a toner.

Another homemade mask for large pores is to mix some table salt with buttermilk to form a paste. Apply it to your face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Add some milk and a small amount of lemon juice to plain oatmeal. Mix it together to form a paste, and apply it to the skin. Let the mask dry for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Avoid using if you have blemishes on your skin.

More Mask Choices
Mix together 2 tsp. cosmetic-grade clay with 1 tsp. rose water. Add to this mixture 1 tsp. astringent or toner. Massage this mixture onto the face, let it dry for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Combine 1 tbsp. orange juice, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. lanolin. Apply it to the enlarged pores and leave it on for 15 minutes, or until dry. Rinse with warm water.

More Masks
Mix 1 tbsp. oatmeal powder with an egg white. Apply it to the face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, and follow with toner or astringent.

If you have combination dry and oily skin, try this nourishing mask. Mix one egg yolk with a few drops of lime juice. Apply it gently to the skin and let it dry for a few minutes. Rinse completely with warm water.

To maintain your skin, avoid harsh cleansers and the overuse of astringents. Often, these products worsen the look of enlarged pores. Avoid the use of moisturizers in areas of your face that are excessively oily; only moisturize those areas that actually need it. These steps, combined with beneficial homemade masks, will help treat and reduce the look of large pores on your skin.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Make up with Glasess

A few of us in the office wear glasses and make up. We thought we’d share these handy tips with you to make sure you’re always looking your best.

1. The bolder your choice of frame the more understated your eye make-up should be. Choose subtle colours that will compliment your frames. Try Virgin Vie At Home’s new Velvet Eyeshadow. A handbag size of four shades, this will give your eyes a touch of colour.

2. If you find that powder eyeshadows end up on your lenses, you could opt for a cream eyeshadow like Virgin Vie At Home’s Timeproof. It stays in place all day and into the evening and is easy to apply in a handy pen.

3. Limit mascara to one coat as any clumps or heavily made up eyelashes will be more obvious underneath glasses. Virgin Vie At Home’s Waterproof Mascara is smudge & smear proof so is the perfect solution for glasses wearers.

4. Wearing the same glasses everyday can cause oils to build up, particularly around the bridge of your nose. Keep this area scrupulously clean with a daily cleanse, tone and moisture regime. Try Virgin Vie At Home’s Skin Sparkle kit once a week to help remove imperfections and leave your skin sparkling.

5. Don’t let blusher fight with the lower rim of your glasses. Choose a lighter shade, like Virgin Vie At Home’s Cheek To Cheek Blusher in shade Bare Faced Cheek and apply just to the apple of your cheeks: smile and apply.

6. Glasses can sometimes cast shadows that make the circles under your eye appear darker. Conceal this area with a lightening product like Virgin Vie At Home’s Out Of The Shadows. This bestseller helps eliminate fine lines and dark shadows; perfect for glasses wearers.

7. The fittings on rimless glasses can make the bridge of your nose more noticeable. To minimise this effect, keep your eyeshadow pale in the corners of your eyes and darken gently as you go out to the edge. This will help to draw attention away from the centre. Try Virgin Vie At Home’s Twinset Eyeshadows in complimenting shades of light and dark – perfect to achieve this effect.

8. Going for a bolder frame? Then pick a lip colour to compliment your choice. If you’re out to impress try Sensational Colour Lipstick from Virgin Vie At Home in a shade that matches your frame. Prefer to try something a little more understated? You’ll love the Pure Shine Lip Gloss, perfect for giving a subtle wash of glossy colour.

9. Eyeliner can appear harsh under glasses, so opt for a softer look and gently brush a darker eyeshadow along the lower lash line like Virgin Vie At Home’s Chocolate Fudge Eyeshadow. For effortless application use the Eyeshadow Blender & Applicator Brush.

10. Keep eyebrows tidy and subtle as they can conflict with the upper rim of your lens. Try Virgin Vie At Home’s Brow & Lash Styler to keep brows neatly groomed.

Natural Skin Fairness Tips

Take the peel of orange. Dry it in hot sun. Once it is fully dried up, grind it in the mixer. Next ground 20 almonds in the mixer. Similarly roughly crush oatmeal in mixer as well. Now take one cup of dried orange peel powder, one cup of grounded almond and ½ cup of oatmeal. Blend all three powders well, store in any bottle and use it as required. To use this skin fairness treatment take one tablespoon of prepared mixture and one tablespoon rose water. Mix together well to make smooth paste. Scrub it on the clean skin for 5 minutes. Next hold it for another 10 minutes and later wash it off with water. It leaves the skin very smooth. Use it twice a week. After some days the complexion shall be improved.

Sandalwood and Turmeric Paste for Skin Fairness
Last time tested skin fairness tip is the sandalwood and turmeric mixture. To prepare the same take one tablespoon sandalwood powder, one-fourth teaspoon turmeric powder and one tablespoon rose water.

Cucumber Face Pack for Skin Fairness
Grate one medium size cucumber. To this add one tablespoon milk powder, half teaspoon lemon juice and one tablespoon concentrated coconut milk.

Get the Fair Skin by Rubbing Tomato
Take a fresh red tomato. Cut into two from the center. Rub one tomato piece directly on the cleaned face and neck for 5 minutes in anticlockwise motion.

Almond Skin Fairness Tips
Soak 5-6 almonds in water overnight. Next morning soak 4-5 saffron strands in raw milk for 30 minutes. Remove the skin of almonds soaked in the night.

.Nature cures acne medication.
Acne is a common problem faced by almost all teenagers and youth. Natural products such herbal can cure the Acne in natural way also glow the face skin.

Fruit Face Masks for glowing face
Face masks using Pulp and juice of fresh fruits acts as deep cleanser and skin moisturizer. Fruit face masks penetrates in the skin and cleanses the deep pores on facial skin and refresh the dead cell

Facial cleaning homemade recipes
Homemade recipes for facial cleaning specific to Dry face and oily face. Applying this natural facial cleansing will remove old make-up and the grime and grease that have been accumulated during th

Facial toning for effective facial cleaning
Facial toner remove all traces of dirt, make-up or cleanser that remain after cleansing. Tone the face on forehead and cheeks immediate after cleansing.

Makeup After Facial
Makeup must be applied after 12-13 hours of facial. It is crucial to let the skin settle down after the facial redness and skin burning sensation.

Treating blackheads using homemade remedy
Removing Blackheads without proper care at home may leave Scars on face. Homemade recipe from iodine, water and salt can be used to treat blackheads.

Homemade sauna facial and skin care
Homemade sauna skin treatment is great way to clean a congested type skin. Applying home made natural sauna with sauna oils Lavender and Mandarin, is an good way of deep cleaning your face and body skin.

Best way to remove WhiteHeads
Like blackheads, these are caused by accumulation of hardened serum or oils. The mixture of beauty grains and skin tonic is rubbed gently can remove the whiteheads.

Natural Face whitening using herbal remedies
Face whitening using natural herbals using lime juice, almond oil and glycerin. Natural face brighteners will nourish and care your skin

Home Remedies for Fair Skin Care
Skin fairness can be attained to some extent with 5 time test tips. These all are natural and free of any side effects. It comprises of dry orange peel powder, almond paste, tomato, cucumber and sanda

How to Give a Facial Massage
Self facial massage benefits an individual mentally and physically. It is a great aid to relieve tensions and mental stress. It helps physically by reducing fatigue and energizing the body.

What Age Should kids Wear Make-up ?

One of the dilemmas every parent faces when they have a daughter is determining what age is appropriate for them to wear makeup.

These days you have children as young as 7 are wearing perfume and makeup. Now there is no problem when it’s something like a body spritzer or even the lip glosses geared to children. However perfume and makeup should be reserved as a rite of passage for a young girl. The age of puberty correlates to this rite of passage. As a teen, your daughter in the biological sense has become a woman and is probably more concerned with smelling and looking good.

By letting a child wear perfume and makeup at young age, what do they have to look forward to in their teen years? What message are you sending them? That they need makeup to be attractive at 8 years old? An indication that this is too young an age is to look at the advertisements for makeup and perfume. They have adults promoting them; therefore their target market is more than likely the older teen to adults that they are gearing them to.

the ages of 5 to 13. Some of their kits include the spa kit which includes a cleanser, facial scrub, lotion and mask. Now there’s a reason . A child who has not hit puberty has perfect skin unless they suffer from a skin condition. A child’s skin DOES NOT need to be exfoliated. The cell turnover is at an optimum level. They do not need a facial mask because at 5-12 years old they do not have an excess production of oil, or fine lines that they are trying to minimize.

What we are doing by making these products readily available to girls at this young age is sending them the message that they need to be spending this amount of time on their appearance, instead of enjoying their childhood.

FOR LADIES: Do you like to wear High Heels? Then please read this.

Prolonged wearing of high heels can cause a permanent damages like bunions, hammertoes, leg tendons.. This are mainly caused due to pressure on ball of the foot. The higher the heels, the greater is the pressure. This can also affect the knee and back.
So on wearing high heels continuously you are increasingly damaging you feet. If you love your health be cautious.
P.S.:-Gents please spread this awareness with the women in your family and friends.

You can Save someone's life by sharing this.

STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters... S.T..R ...
My friend sent this to me ...and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks.

During a party, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. (they offered to call ambulance)

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm , Ingrid passed away.)
She had suffered a stroke at the party . Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today.

Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this...


A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster.
The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions :

S * Ask the individual to SMILE ..
T * = TALK. Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (eg 'It is sunny out today').
R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS .

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call the ambulance and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

NOTE : Another 'sign' of a stroke is
1. Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue.
2. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.


Why You Should Drink Warm Water & Lemon

1. Boosts you're immune system

Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain & nerve function and helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH

Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they're alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.

3. Helps with weight loss

Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. And, my experience is that when I start the day off right, it's easier to make the best choices for myself the rest of the day.

4. Aids digestion

The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis—the waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.

5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic

Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

6. Clears skin

The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well.

7. Hydrates the lymph system

This cup of goodness helps start the day on a hydrated note, which helps prevent dehydration (obviously) and adrenal fatigue. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue) it can't perform all of it's proper functions, which leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation, and the list goes on. Your adrenals happen to be two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys, and along with your thyroid, create energy. They also secrete important hormones, including aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by your adrenals that regulates water levels and the concentration of minerals, like sodium, in your body, helping you stay hydrated. Your adrenals are also responsible for regulating your stress response. So, the bottom line is that you really don't want to mess with a deep state of dehydration!

Nasi Biryani Recipe

Ingredients :

2 lb Lamb or chicken, cut into fairly large chunks
2 Cups plain yoghurt
2 Cups basmati rice
2-3 tbsp Chili powder
1 Large onion, finely chopped
2 Large onions, thinly sliced
1/2 Cup almonds, thinly sliced
A few saffron threads
4 tbsp Golden raisins
2 tbsp Warm milk
2 Cups water
1 Cup ghee
Salt to taste

For Marinade:
2 Medium onions, sliced
2 tsp Poppy seeds
1 Sprig fresh mint leaves
4 Green cardamoms seeds
4 Cloves
6 Cloves garlic
1 Inch cinnamon stick, broken up
4 Inch ginger, sliced
How to make Nasi Biryani:

To Marinade:
Grind cloves, poppy seeds, cinnamon stick, cardamoms, onions, ginger, mint leaves and garlic to make a fine paste.
Combine yoghurt and chili powder with the ground paste, mix well.
Add this with meat, coat well
Marinate meat for about 2 hours, best overnight in the refrigerator.
To Prepare Lamb:

Heat wok, and add 3-4 tbsp ghee.
Fry the thinly sliced onions until light golden brown.
Remove, drain on paper towels.
Apply the same process for the thinly sliced almonds, keep aside.
To the same wok, add chopped onions and fry till light brown.
Add the marinated lamb and cook until brown.
Add water, and salt to taste.
Bring it to a boil, decrease the heat to medium-low heat.
Cover and simmer for about 45 minutes, stir occasionally.
If it starts to dry up too much add a little water.

To Prepare Saffron Rice:
Wash rice in cold water, at least 3 times.
Drain well and keep aside for about 20 minutes.
In a wok, heat 3-4 tbsp ghee to medium-high, fry the rice till the rice grains look translucent, for about 10 to12 minutes.
Remove it from the heat, add salt, mix well and keep aside.

Layering the Lamb Biryani Rice:

Take a large ovenproof casserole and add a layer of one third of the rice, followed by a layer of cooked lamb about half the lamb and a few tbsp of the sauce from the lamb.

Sprinkle a third of the fried onions, raisins, fried almonds and a few drops of saffron threads that have been mixed with the milk.

Make a second layer of rice and add the rest of the lamb, a third of the fried onions, raisins, almonds, a few tbsp of the lamb sauce and a few drops of the saffron and milk.

Add the final layer, of rice and rest of the saffron and milk.

Sprinkle 3 to 4 tbsp of melted ghee on the top.

Add sufficient water, till the water level is about 1/2 inch above the top of the rice

Now cover the casserole with a tight fitting lid or heavy-duty aluminum foil.

Place the casserole in a preheated 450F oven, cook for about 45 minutes, till the rice is cooked.

With a long wooden chopstick, fluff up the rice.

Garnish it with a few sprigs of mint leaves and the rest of fried onions, raisins and almonds.

How to Make Turmeric Lotion at Home

Turmeric is a spice used primarily in Indian cooking but also has powerful medicinal attributes. The spice is a natural acne fighter and makes skin glow by evening out skin tones. Turmeric creams applied under the eyes can get rid of dark circles. Incorporating turmeric into a moisturizing lotion allows you to keep skin soft and glowing. The turmeric lotion should be applied daily for two to three weeks for the best results. Turmeric powder or turmeric paste can be used in a lotion recipe, though the powder may be easier to find at a local supermarket or health foods store.
Things You'll Need
3 tbsp. almond flour
1/8 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp. lemon juice
¼ cup plain yogurt
Small bowl

Add the yogurt and almond flour to a bowl and mix together.

Pour in the lemon juice and turmeric and stir thoroughly. The mixture needs to be fully mixed together.

Use immediately or keep covered and refrigerated until you are ready to use the lotion. The turmeric lotion can be used for up to one week.

Home remedies Dry Skin

Milk products have been a popular treatment throughout history. Ancient beauty Cleopatra was the first to use this type of skin treatment by regularly bathing in milk to clean and soften her skin.

Yogurt contains alpha and beta hydroxy acids that nourish, soothe and moisturize the skin. The most familiar acid, lactic acid, is a gentle ingredient that removes dead cells that can build up on dry skin. The fat and protein in plain whole yogurt relieves irritation and heals damage.

Yogurt is an easy milk product to use on the face because the thickness makes it easy to apply. Spread 1/2 tablespoon of plain whole yogurt on the face and allow to dry for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Olive Oil
The ancient Greeks used olive oil to clarify and moisturize the skin, and olive oil is said to be one of the first natural beauty ingredients. Extra virgin olive oil is the best because it is the least processed and most pure.

Olive oil is a strong source of vitamin E and antioxidants. This gives the oil the ability to heal skin damage and prevent future free-radical damage from the environment. Olive oil is especially helpful for those who suffer from eczema and psoriasis.

Massage olive oil on the face before bed, and allow the oil to soak into the skin overnight. To create a more intensive dry-skin treatment, add one part of vitamin E oil to three parts of olive oil.

Honey comes from the nectar of flowers and is manufactured by honey bees. This combination of sugars and other components is a popular beauty treatment for dry, irritated skin because of its skin benefits.

Honey contains healing and moisturizing capabilities. Honey attracts moisture to the skin and locks it in while it also purges the pores of any impurities. Honey is often used as a natural antibacterial agent because it suffocates bacteria-ridden cells and removes dead skin. This is important for dry skin that contains built-up dead skin cells that irritate the face.

Apply pure honey to the face as a mask. Let it seep into the skin for 20 minutes, and rinse with cool water. Although this mask is sticky, it rinses easily off the face.

Remedies for Dry Skin on the Face

Dry skin on the face can be more than an annoyance. Women can't put on make up unless the flakes are eliminated, and for men, dry skin makes shaving more difficult as it can cause ingrown hairs and build-up on the razor. Instead of buying expensive lotions to deal with your dry facial skin try some home remedies, which are less expensive and made from natural ingredients. Just make sure that whatever remedy you use, you are not allergic to the ingredients.
Coconut Oil
Josh Peterson, the health and beauty writer for the Discovery Channel's Planet Green, recommends coconut oil as a way to eliminate dry skin. In his article "Remedy Dry Skin With Coconut Oil," Peterson says, "There is no need to mix harsh, toxic chemicals with coconut oil. It is completely safe, unless you are allergic to coconuts." Best of all, coconut oil can be used on the entire body for healing dry skin. Coconut oil can usually be found at natural-food stores.

Oatmeal Yogurt Facial
Oatmeal has been clinically proven to heal dry, itchy skin, and combined with yogurt and honey it can make a wonderful dry skin remedy. Try taking about ½ cup of finely ground oatmeal, and mixing in honey and yogurt until it's creamy. Spread the mixture on your face and leave it for about 30 minutes.

Avocado Mask
Avocado is rich in healthy fats, and those fats can help make the skin on the face more radiant and healthy. Mash an avocado until it's creamy, add half a teaspoon of honey and a little almond meal. Be careful not to add too much almond meal: you want it to be creamy, not doughy. Spread it over your face and leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes. Use 3 to 5 times per week for best results.

Banana-Honey Mask
A banana-honey mask is made the same way as the avocado mask, but substitutes banana for the avocado. The almond meal can be left out, but leaving it in will make the mask slightly easier to work with, just be sure not to add too much. Spread on the face and leave it for about 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Homemade Remedies for Hair Loss & Dry Hair

Hair is a sign of the body's health, and the overuse of hair care products, heat, stress and poor diet can cause dry hair or even hair loss. You can create your own home remedies with easy-to-find household items, to revitalize your hair and even promote hair growth and health.


Water is a great home remedy that can be used to invigorate dry damaged hair. The body can store many toxins and wastes, shown through dry dull hair. Make sure to drink 8 cups of water daily to flush out the body and provide your hair with proper inner moisture and health.


Coconut oil mixed together with some boiled curry leaves can be applied to the hair and scalp. The nourishing combination of the coconut and curry will deeply penetrate the hair follicles, leaving them strong and moisturized.


A paste of two well-mashed bananas and beaten curd applied to the hair and scalp can greatly reinvigorate dry hair. Make sure the paste coats the ends of the hair and is left onto the scalp for 15 minutes. Shampoo and rinse your hair clean of the paste for soft lustrous hair.

Aloe Vera

The gel within the aloe vera plant can be used not only to cure hair dryness but can fight hair loss as well. After shampooing your hair, liberal application of fresh aloe vera to the scalp will stimulate hair growth and nourish dry hair. Drinking aloe vera juice also helps to flush out the body and stimulate healthy hair from within.

Rosemary & Sage

A shampoo made of equal parts rosemary, sage, and castile soap as a base can be applied to the hair to stimulate hair growth and combat hair loss. Rosemary and sage have antiseptic properties which cleanse the pores and condition the scalp. Nettles can also be added to the rosemary and sage mixture to give it an extra punch.

Healthy Diet
According to dermatologist and hair loss expert, Ted Daly, MD., foods containing vitamin B12 are critical for healthy hair growth. It is important to eat foods that are high in protein, low in carbohydrates and fats, a key not only to providing nutrition to your body, but also to your hair's health. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be a major factor of hair loss, especially for women.

Peach-Ginger Shrub

4 medium peaches (about 1 pound)
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup grated fresh ginger
1 3/4 cups white balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

1 Remove pits from peaches and mash in a medium-sized bowl. Add sugar
and ginger, stir well. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

2 Press peach mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean medium-sized bowl. Discard peach solids. Add both vinegars to peach juices. Whisk to combine. Pour through funnel into clean bottle. Seal bottle and shake vigorously. Store in refrigerator for 3 to 5 days, shaking periodically to help dissolve sugar. Once sugar has dissolved, serve with seltzer or white rum. Shrub can be stored for several months in refrigerator.

Midnight Cookies

1 cup all purpose flour
2 teaspoons instant espresso
1/2 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup best quality unsweetened cocoa powder (such as Valrhona)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup packed light brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup chopped walnuts
In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, espresso, salt, cocoa powder, and baking soda.

In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Beat in eggs and vanilla until well combined.

Add flour mixture to bowl in two additions, each time beating just until mixed. Stir in walnuts.

Cover dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate one hour.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.

Drop dough by the tablespoon onto prepared baking sheets. Bake cookies until just starting to crack on top, but not totally dry, about 12 minutes.

Lemon and Almond Streamliner Cake

Grated zest of 2 lemons
3/4 cup whole milk
1/2 cup (3 1/2 ounces) sugar
4 egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 cup lemon juice (from approximately 3 lemons)
1/2 cup (4 ounces) unsalted butter, cut into small cubes

1 1/4 cups (5 ounces) sifted cake flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3/4 cup (6 ounces) almond paste,
at room temperature
10 tablespoons (5 ounces) unsalted butter, at room temperature
2/3 cup (4 2/3 ounces) sugar
3 tablespoons canola oil
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3 eggs, at room temperature
2/3 cup buttermilk, at room temperature
To make the lemon custard, combine the lemon zest, milk, and 1/4 cup of the sugar in a medium saucepan and heat over medium-low heat until just hot. Meanwhile, in a bowl, thoroughly whisk together the egg yolks, the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar, and the salt until well combined, then whisk in the cornstarch, then the lemon juice.

Slowly whisk a third of the hot liquid into the yolk mixture. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan with the hot milk and cook over medium-low heat, whisking steadily, until the custard begins to thicken and bubble for 1 minute (you will need to stop whisking for a moment to check if it is bubbling).

Strain the custard through a fine mesh sieve into a clean bowl and whisk in the butter until it has melted. Place a piece of plastic wrap directly upon the surface of the custard and place in the refrigerator to cool for about 2 hours. The custard is easiest to work with once it has set.

Center an oven rack and preheat the oven to 350°F.
To make the cake, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl, then whisk the mixture to ensure that the ingredients are well mixed.
Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, combine the almond paste, butter, sugar, canola oil, and vanilla on low speed until blended; gradually increase the speed to high and cream until very light and fluffy, 5 to 7 minutes, stopping the mixer frequently to scrape the paddle and the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula. Blend in the eggs one at a time, adding the next one as soon as the previous one has disappeared into the batter.

With the mixer on low speed, add the flour mixture in three parts, alternating with the buttermilk in two parts, beginning and ending with the flour. After each addition, mix until just barely blended and stop and scrape the bowl. Stop the mixer before the last of the flour has been incorporated and complete the blending by hand with a rubber spatula to ensure you do not overheat the batter.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan and spread it evenly. Rap the pan firmly on the counter to release any air bubbles. Place the pan in the center of the oven and bake until the cake is a deep golden color and a wooden skewer poked in the middle comes out just barely clean, 42 to 45 minutes. The cake might crack on the surface as it bakes; don’t worry, this simply provides a way for the cake to soak up more of the lemon custard.

Cool the cake in its pan on a wire rack for 30 minutes. Gently invert the cake onto the rack, leaving on the parchment paper until you assemble the cake. Flip the cake right side up and continue to cool the cake on the rack until it reaches room temperature.

To finish the cake, remove the parchment paper and place the cake right side up on a flat plate. Using a metal spatula, spread a thin layer of the lemon custard on the sides of the cake to seal the cake and give it a light shine. Put the rest of the lemon custard on top of the cake, spreading it just barely out to the edge. Use your spatula to make a swirly design in the custard on the top of the cake. Allow the assembled cake (or really, the lemon custard) to set in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Bring the cake to room temperature before serving (this will take about an hour). Any leftover cake keeps in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


For the cookies

2/3 cup nuts (pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts)
1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1/4 cup confectioners' (powdered or icing) sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt

For the topping

1 cup powdered (icing or confectioners) sugar, sifted


1 Preheat oven to 350°F and place rack in center of oven.
2 For the toasted nuts: Place nuts on a baking sheet and bake for about 8 minutes, or until lightly brown and fragrant. Cool. Once the nuts have cooled completely place them, along with 2 tablespoons (25 grams) of the flour from the recipe, into your food processor, fitted with a metal blade, and process until they are finely ground (but not a paste).

3 For the cookies: In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy (about 2 minutes). Beat in the vanilla extract. Add the remaining flour and salt and beat until combined. Stir in the nuts. Cover and refrigerate the dough for about one hour or until firm.

4 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.

5 Form the chilled dough into 1 inch (2.5 cm) balls and place them 2 inches (5 cm) apart on the prepared baking sheets. Bake for about 12 - 15 minutes, or until the edges of the cookies start to brown. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool for about 5 minutes.

6 Meanwhile, place the 1 cup sifted confectioners sugar in a bowl. Take the still hot cookies and roll them in the sugar, one at a time. Place on a wire rack to cool. Or you can simply place the confectioners sugar in a strainer and sift the sugar over the tops of the cookies. Let cool completely before storing. Can be stored in an airtight container for several weeks. Can roll or sift the cookies in more confectioners sugar before serving.

Simple & Cute Makeup Tips

Women don't have to spend all day on makeup application to look gorgeous. In just a few steps, women can achieve cute makeup styles that brighten the face without masking inner beauty. Some cute makeup styles are inspired by celebrities and movie characters while others reflect a seasonal event and are more suited for everyday wear.

1. Baby Doll Makeup Style:-

Aim to achieve a bright, fresh face with this makeup effect, as its minimal use of color helps give it a dramatic effect. With this style, neutral eye shadow is applied to both eyes and a shimmer or glitter accent is worn just above the lash line. The baby doll eyes are created using a black eyeliner drawn from the inside of the upper lash line to the outer corner and given a "wing" at the edge, which creates a dramatic upwards turn. Fake lashes, peach blush and bright pink or red lipstick finish this look.

2. Japanese Character Makeup Style:-
Fans of Japanese video games, cartoons and fantasy films are continually trying to mimic the dramatic eyes and sultry expressions exhibited by the characters. Depending on the character you want to emulate, you may not need any colored eye makeup, but you will need to apply dark eyeliner to the top of the upper lash line and the water line of your eyes. Wear plenty of mascara and give your face a warm glow with peach or light pink blush. Finish with a light pink or peach lip gloss. Because Japanese characters have large eyes, some women apply white eyeliner to the water line instead of black and put shimmery white eye shadow around the tear ducts and above the eyeliner on the upper lash line. This creates the illusion that the eyes are bright and large.

3. Cat Eye Makeup Style:-
The ever-elusive cat eye is one of the cutest makeup styles. This look is achieved by gliding dark eyeliner all around the natural shape of the eyes and thickening the upper lash line with several strokes of eyeliner. Fill in the eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil, make them as arched as possible and finish off with two to three coats of black mascara. You can add a dramatic touch with the lips by applying a vibrant red, maroon or pink lipstick.

4. Bright Eyes Makeup Style:-
Apply a fresh spring or summer appearance with bright eye shadows in pastel pink, blue, purple, green or yellow. For spring, use a light foundation that brightens the face. For summer, apply bronzer on top of a darker foundation for a sun kissed look. Finish off with a layer of colored mascara and avoid using dark eyeliners because these will darken the look and diminish the bright effect of the makeup.

5. Pouty Lip Makeup Style:-
This style puts the focus on plump, pouty lips. Here, the color of the lip gloss and lip liner is key. Line lips with a lip liner that matches the natural tone of your mouth, and make sure your lipstick or gloss stays within the boundaries of the lip liner. Use a lip brush to apply a drippy lip gloss to your lips because this will help you more accurately define the pouty style. For an even more dramatic look, pair pouty lips with the cat eye style.

Makeup Tips to Look Better in Photos

Taking pictures can be rather stressful for many women who are unsatisfied with the way they look in pictures, thinking that they are not photogenic. However, everyone can learn a few tricks to be able to look better in pictures. Using makeup cleverly is one of the simplest ways to be more satisfied with the way you look in photos

Although there are plenty of ways to retouch a photo that might not have turned out the way we dreamed it would most of us still want to be able to look good in photos without having to make any retouches. Being photogenic is not very hard if you become accustomed with a few basic principles that can improve the quality of your photos. Modifying the angle of the photo by turning sideways slightly, having a good posture or wearing clothes
in colors that match your skin tone or just a few of the strategies that can be used to look better next time you take a picture.

However, since you as well as others will focus more on your facial features before anything else you should make sure that you use all the tricks that apply to you to look your best. Here are a few tips to get you started:

It goes without saying that one of the first things you should do is to make sure that that you conceal any imperfections that you might have as best as you can. Many women double their efforts when it comes to applying foundation or concealer by using the layering technique to make sure that no facial imperfection is caught by camera.

If you want to get a dewy complexion it is recommended to use a water based foundation and a cream blush. To create a matte finish you should never forget to apply translucent powder using a proper applicator. Alternatively you can use a yellow tinted powder if you feel that your skin
appears to be overly white in photos.

However you shouldn't feel that you have to alter your makeup routine too much or adopt new routines if you don't feel like it because the most important thing is to feel comfortable and relaxed. When applying make makeup think about how you should sculpt your facial features so that they you highlight your best assets. While this is something that you might normally do on a daily basis the more focused you are on how you apply makeup when preparing to take a photo, the better your chances are to get a superior result.

Another thing that you should pay special attention to is your eyebrows. Typically the eyebrows tend to look darker in photos than they do in real life so applying a little bit of powder on eyebrows to get lighter eyebrows might be a good idea if you have noticed that is one of the problems you might have when taking photos.

However make sure that you don't overdo it because otherwise the effects will be contrary to what you might expect.

When it comes to eye makeup it's best to avoid glitter or frosty, shimmery eyeshadow because it might look greasy. Also going for light rather than dark shades is a better alternative because it helps make the emphasize the eyes better. When dark shades are used the chances of appearing tired increase.

Applying two coats of black mascara, on the other hand, can really make the eyes pop. As a general rule opting for matte makeup is a better choice when it comes to taking photos because your features are not altered decisively.

If you decide to play up your lips you should keep in mind some of the same principles that apply when it comes to eye makeup. Again, frosted lip colors should be avoided as they will be barely visible. The color of the lipstick and the color of the eyeliner. Going one tone darker than the color you normally use is also advisable when emphasizing your lips. If you chose to emphasize your eyes you should make sure that your lips will be in a soft color. A thin layer of lip gloss can also help emphasize your lips and make them appear fuller.

How to Apply Eye Makeup to Green Eyes

Eye makeup for green eyes encompasses a wide range of color options. The key is to choose eye makeup colors that don't compete with youreye's natural shade of green.

Any eyeshadow shades that are mostly yellow will also drown out green eyes. The yellow swallows the startling green and makes the white of your eyes look dull. Jade, amber and even neon orange may work for you, but canary, lemon or mustard are out of the question.

It's important to never let your eyeshadow compete with your eyes for attention. Let your eye color remain sparkling by using any eyeshadow color except one that matches your eyes. Go with a creamier green, a darker green or a smokier green, but never match your eye color and eye shadow exactly.

Pure and bold blue eyeshadows tend to look unflattering with green
eyes, especially if it's used as a base color. But blue-green colors,
such as turquoise, can appear attractive, especially if your color is
more hazel. The blue-green hue will help bring out more green than
brown in your eyes. Light blues work well for base, accent or tiny

Grey and silver tones pair well with green eyes, but be careful of
creating a look that's too icy or harsh. Smoky hues will help the
green really pop out and look great mixed with almost any other color.

Most browns appear very flattering with green eyes, but only if those eyes are true green. If your eyes tend to look hazel or brown
sometimes, then brown eyeshadow will make them appear more brown than green.

To keep those green flecks sparkling, use creamy and/or blended brown colors, such as fawn, tan or mocha. Bring out any gold flecks in your eyes by using accents and highlights in gold, copper or bronze hues.

Properly applied purple eyeshadow is fantastic for a funky but
flattering look with green eyes. Never use purple as a base shade, or
you'll end up looking like you have two black eyes. Instead use almost any shade of purple, such as lavender or periwinkle, as an accent or blended color.

Lip Makeup Remover

Your lips are the most sensitive part of your body and you need to keep them moisturized. The lips do not have any oil glands unlike the rest of the skin so they are more prone to drying and cracking. All women love to apply lipstick on their lips and some even consider their beauty regimen incomplete if they do not apply their favorite lip color. Lipsticks are available in a variety of textures and forms and you will be virtually spoilt for choice. There are some long wearing lipstick and lip stains available in the market that stays on for up to 8 hours without smudging. Unfortunately these lipsticks are more difficult to remove than the conventional variety and most of us do not bother to remove it before going to sleep. Here a lip makeup remover comes to the rescue and helps to effectively get rid of all traces of lip color from your lips.

Lip Makeup Remover Tips:-

There are many different types of makeup remover available in the market from all leading brands. Considering that the lips are very sensitive, waterproof makeup removers specifically meant for taking off lipsticks from lips are also available. Below we will discuss some tips for removing lip makeup.

1. Although you can purchase good lip makeup remover from a departmental store, there are products in your kitchen that works just as well in removing lipsticks. Natural rose water is very effective as a lip makeup remover. Just dip a cotton ball in rose water and rub your lips in with this in a back and forth motion. Be careful to rub gently and you will see that the lipstick has come out in the cotton ball. You can keep the rose water chilled in the refrigerator for a refreshing effect.

2. The best lip makeup remover that you can use to effectively remove lipstick is pure coconut oil or olive oil. Soak a cotton ball in coconut oil or olive oil and rub this on your lips until all the makeup has come off. Using coconut oil and olive oil as a lip makeup remover is a good option for women who might be allergic to certain ingredients in a conventional makeup remover. Moreover coconut oil as well as olive oil will keep your lips moisturized and will help to soften them.

3. You can also apply a small amount of petroleum jelly on your lips and keep it on for a few minutes. Take a soft tissue and wipe your lips. You will find that the lipstick will come off very easily. You might like to know about homemade lip balm.

4. In winter when your lips are chapped and the lipstick has bleed into the fine lines of your lips, it is very difficult and painful to remove lipstick. Dab a little cold cream in your lips and wipe it off with a moistened cotton ball for easy lipstick removal.

5. If you use waterproof lipstick or long wearing lipstick, you might have a hard time removing it from your lips at the end of the day. Do not try to remove it by rubbing hard as this will end up injuring your lips. The best natural lip makeup remover for these kind of lipsticks is milk. Dip a cotton ball in cold milk and rub your lips in a circular motion. The milk will not only cleanse your lips must also keep them soft and conditioned.

Natural Looking Makeup

Makeup is an art with which one can can make an already beautiful face even more beautiful, by highlighting some of the best facial features. However, the way one applies makeup also makes a huge difference. Though heavy makeup is something that is perfect for night parties and functions, opting for it in everyday use may make a person look horrendous. Hence, it is best to apply makeup in a way that looks natural. The best thing about natural looking makeup is that it is minimal and aids in enhancing one's natural beauty. Moreover, it is also quite easy and time saving to give your face a natural look. Read more on natural makeup tutorial.

Natural Looking Makeup Tips:-

One important thing I have to discuss before moving on to natural looking makeup techniques is about the quality of your makeup products. You should always invest in a good quality makeup kit or products and not opt for some bad quality ones just because it is less expensive. This is because using bad quality makeup products may damage your skin and may also cause you skin problems. Hence, to avoid such problems, look for makeup brands that provide value for your money. Know more about natural makeup look and natural makeup ideas.


Foundation is said to be the basis of all types of makeup. However, before you start with your makeup, make sure that you clean your face thoroughly with a good face wash. Follow it with a toner and a moisturizer which will help in allowing the makeup to blend well and look even. To get a natural look, an important factor is to use a foundation that blends well with your skin tone. Though the best foundation to achieve a natural look is one that has a yellow tone, you should always prefer one that is closest to your natural skin tone.

Foundations are available in three different forms, mainly, liquid, cake, and cream. Any one among these three will help in giving you the perfect look. Dot your entire face with the foundation and gently blend with your fingers or a sponge. Do not forget to apply foundation on your neck, ears, and jaw line. This should be followed by a concealer, which helps in lightening the blemishes and scars that appear on the face. It is best for hiding the dark circles that appear under the eyes. The concealer that you should use for natural looking makeup should be either lighter than your skin tone or that which has a yellow color tone. However, make sure that you do not apply the concealer more than two times or else your face may look made up. Read more on how to choose the perfect foundation.

Eye Makeup:-

Eye makeup is considered to be very important because eyes are said to be the most prominent facial feature. Though pale shades will look best as eye shadow for natural makeup, it will also depend on the color of your eyes and your skin tone. If you are seeking a natural looking makeup for blue eyes or maybe green eyes, it will be great to opt for shades of pink and brown. On the other hand, to achieve natural looking makeup for brown eyes, darker plum, brown and beige shades will look the best. Read more on natural makeup look for brown eyes.

Once you have applied the eye shadow, next comes the eyeliner. Usually, people opt for a black color, however if you want a natural looking makeup, you have to stay away from black eyeliner. Instead you can choose brown or may be charcoal gray eyeliner. Apply a thin line, just above your lashes because a thick liner will take away the natural look of your eyes. Then comes the mascara which should be applied only after you have curled your eyelashes with a lash curler. For a natural look, use a clear mascara which will add volume to your lashes. Read more on how to apply eyeshadow step by step and how to apply eyeliner.

Lip Makeup:-

For natural looking makeup, a light shade of lipstick will be the best. If you have slightly heavy eye makeup, applying a transparent lip gloss will look perfect. However, if you want to use a darker color, see to it that your eye makeup is kept to the minimal. The best natural lipstick color would be that which is closest to your natural lip color. Also, it is better to avoid wearing lipstick that is too glossy or slippery. Apply a coat of clear lip gloss after applying the lipstick as the gloss helps the lipstick to stay for a longer time.


Blush is very important to add a final touch to the overall makeup and should be first applied to the cheekbones and gently brushed on the chin, nose and forehead. To color of the blush should be similar to the color of the skin after indulging in exercises. For light colored skin, soft pastels, pale and sandy pinks will be good, whereas for people who are dark or olive colored, bronze, plum and rose tones will give a natural look.